The 15 Most Iconic Space Ships Ever!

In science fiction, some of the most iconic characters end up being the ships themselves. This is most notable in franchises such as Star Trek. When you think of these types of shows, games, and movies you cannot help but see the ships as cast members in their own right. They play such an important role. In most cases they are the environment or setting for the series. They become the world in which the cast lives. Here is a countdown of my top 15 most iconic space ships ever!

15. Lexx

What can you say, it looks like a massive dragonfly that has the power to destroy entire planets. It’s an example of the idea of marrying biology with technology. It’s beautiful design just catches the viewer’s imagination. In the television show, the Lexx itself is alive and houses the vast majority of the conflict that drives the television show.

14. CSO-class Supercarrier (Halo)

The CSO-class Supercarrier from Halo is one of the most fear inducing sights in the universe. Not only does its size of 95,000 plus feet fill your view, but its reputation for destruction is well earned. When dealing with what is thought to be an advanced alien technology the supercarrier hits a few home runs. Not only does it just have the smooth advanced look one would expect from a technologically superior race, but the color demands notice. The capital ship of the Covenant doesn’t hide, it wants to be seen.

13. Earth Force Starfury (Babylon 5)

The Star Fury isn’t large, but compared to many other fighter style ships in sci fi, it’s by far one of the most realistic ones out there. It’s small, but an important part of the Earth Force fleet in the Babylon 5 universe. Though it may fall short with other ships of its kind from other factions, its design feels the most human and genuine. In a hundred years I can see something like this in orbit, and that’s why the Starfury made the list.

12. Spacing Guild’s Heighliner (Dune)

Dune, not only is the book massive, but the ships used for FTL (Faster than Light) travel share that feature as well. With the ability to transport thousands upon thousands of passengers, its profile as seen in 1984’s Dune, and the subsequent Sci Fi channel miniseries is unmistakable. The design of the ship is basic and that is what makes it memorable. Now add in the idea of a Navigator, the Holtzman drive employed by the ship speaks to the imagination of a possible future of a greater symbiotic relationship between man and machine. Without one, the other cannot work.

11. ISA Destroyer Class  (Babylon 5)

Another capital ship, from another universe. The ISA Destroyer Class is one of the few ships that I can remember off the top of my head that was a joint venture by worlds who were at war in the past. Not only does it fit the scale of a capital ship, but its main cannon used technology from a third species even more advanced than the Humans and Minbari. Though only two ships were built, they had a lasting impact in the Babylon 5 universe.

10. Battlestar Galactica (BS-75, 2003 remake)

Galactica is a legendary vessel, so much so it commanded two television shows decades apart. The look of the ship in the 2003 remake is much more inclined with a modern day aircraft carrier sailing the seas. It’s armaments also try to tie in some realism with a complement of flak guns to defend against missiles, light guns, and anti-ship guns used to take down similar sized ships. The Galactica was also the guardian of some of the few remaining humans in the universe, such a response makes for good conflict.

9. Borg Cube (Star Trek)

The only thing that needs to be said is this. “”We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.” Those words have shattered entire civilizations in the Star Trek Universe. When you think of the Borg, one shape normally pops up, the terrifying Borg Cube. Housing thousands of drones, and a neural interface, one Cube can in effect assimilate entire worlds. Who needs a fleet when you got a cube?

8. Moya the Leviathan (Farscape)

Leviathans are really cool ships. According to the show Farscape, no two are completely alike, so in many ways they are as different as each human on Earth. A living ship, she has her own conscience and is able to feel pain. Though there are many ships that are biological in nature, the Leviathans are different because they developed their own personalities, cultures, and religion. Which gives them just as much character depth as any of the cast on Farscape.

7. TIE/Line Starfighter Fighter (Star Wars)

Of course, the TIE Fighter had to be on the list. Though I’m a Trekkie, I can admit the immense effects of this now unforgettable piece of science fiction. The outline of the fighter so well imprinted in the minds of the general population that most people who don’t know where it comes from will recognize it to some extent.

6. D’deridex Class Warbird (Star Trek)

The Romulan Star Empire’s most powerful ships in the 24th century are also unmistakable in their design and color scheme. Big, green, and well bird-like. The D’deridex Class warbird was the main projection of power for the Romulans in the Star Trek universe during the 24th century. With over forty-five decks, a mini black hole as a power source, and a cloaking device, The D’deridex is on its own level.

5. Destiny (Stargate SG1)

It’s big yes, it was made to explore, of course. Those attributes are quite common in the many universes in Science Fiction.What makes this ship stand out for me is its mission, which is to discover the origins of the universe through the study of the microwave background radiation. Over fifty million years old this ship is extremely old when compared to many other well-known ships. The mission behind it combined with its triangular shape its hull is formed into, lands Destiny quite high on the list. Though it’s a relatively newer ship, its purpose, and design moves it away from the pack.

4. The Death Star (Star Wars)

Another vessel that has captured the imagination of popular culture. Considered to be in the top ten of most popular movie weapons according to a 20th-century Fox poll, it continues to influence our culture to this day. Not only is she a planet killer, but The Death Star has the ability, thanks to its powerful hyperdrive systems, to travel many thousands of light years in a day. There is no doubt, that if you were to see this on the horizon your muscles wouldn’t respond and you’d stand there as a living statue in awe of this frightful machine.

3. Enterprise D (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Not only is this ship captained by my favorite captain of the United Federation of Planets, but it is the first ship to introduce me into the world of science fiction. As someone who grew up in the 90s, this Galaxy Class Starship was where I imagined myself exploring the cosmos. From the Encounter at Farpoint, to countless worlds studied, the Enterprise D shape and design still to this day is what I would consider groundbreaking. Now add in the fact that it can separate into two ships, well you got yourself something special

2. Retribution-Class Battleship of the Imperium of Man (Warhammer 40k)

Who says you cannot make a ship look like a massive gothic cathedral? If you thought that was impossible then you have to take a look at the Retribution-Class Battleship from Warhammer 40k. A heavy capital ship of the Imperial Navy this class of ship is so well known, that it strikes fear into the enemies of the Imperium of Man. If you take some time out and look at this class of ship, you cannot help but be amazed at the detail behind the design. This class is the backbone of the entire navy, where the Imperium looks to project power, expect to see a number of Retribution-Class Battleships.

1. Enterprise (TOS)

Finally, the top ship. Though my love for Star Trek started with the second series, The Next Generation, I cannot help but look back to the original vessel that started it all. Before Enterprise most Sci-Fi ships were rockets. The Enterprise broke down those barriers and gave birth to a ship design that stepped out of common molds of the day. The ship design told your eyes that each area and part had a purpose in mind. From the twin engines to the saucer section, everything had its place. The way the ship moved, worked, and was present had a great deal of logic behind it.

Sci Fi fans were treated to a new way of seeing the ships in action. In my mind, the Enterprise A from the Original Series got the ball rolling for all of the other ships in this list as well as the ones who didn’t make the cut. Though designs aren’t shared often the idea of giving purpose to sections of the vessel in an entertainment medium that millions watched stuck to the mind of fans then, and now.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, my top 15 space ships of all time. Now I want to hear which ships you believe should be on the list? Or, should the order be moved around? Sound off below!

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