Rumor: Disney and Lucasfilm Developing Sequel to Star Wars Rebels Starring Ahsoka Tano

A new rumor details that Disney and Lucasfilm are developing a Star Wars Rebels sequel set to release sometime this year.

The rumor comes from YouTube Channel Kessel Run Transmissions.

Host Noah Outlaw and his co-host Corey explain, “What we’ve heard is that the Star Wars Rebels sequel show is in development. It is going to be animated. It is set for 2020. This year.”

Corey details that the show will star Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren.

He also speculates that Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels director Dave Filoni will also be attached to this new sequel series as they’ve gotten word he’s attached to an upcoming Star Wars animated series.

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Star Wars Rebels ended on a cliffhanger as Ahsoka Tano returned to Lothal to recruit Sabine Wren to hunt the galaxy to find their lost comrade Ezra Bridger.

Tano would make a brief cameo in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker when her voice is heard encouraging Rey to fight back against Emperor Palpatine alongside a number of other fallen Jedi including Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Mace Windu.

Given Tano’s voice was heard in The Rise of Skywalker, many fans believed Tano died by the time the events of the film.

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However, Filoni took to Twitter to reassure fans that Tano’s story was far from over and that she might not actually be dead.

On Christmas day, Filoni wrote on Twitter, “Was thinking of all of you this fine morning, Happy Holidays! – Dave”

He included a drawing of Gandalf from Lord of the Rings talking to Ahsoka. Gandalf tells the former Jedi, “People thought I was dead, too. Look how that turned out…”

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What do you make of this new rumor? Are you looking forward to a Star Wars Rebels sequel starring Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren?

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