Marvel Comics Writer Zoe Quinn’s Allegations Against Alec Holowka Called Into Question by New Evidence of Inconsistencies in Initial Claims

While Marvel and Vertigo author Zoe Quinn is currently taking a break from public social media following her allegations against and the subsequent suicide death of Alec Holowka, a new analysis of her allegations brings the veracity of her statements into question.

While many people familiar with Quinn’s history of duplicity were initially highly skeptical of the allegations, reporter Anna Slatz at The Post Millenial was the first to report on the inconsistencies in an article titled Zoe Quinn’s allegations are falling apart. In her report, Slatz cross-references Quinn’s allegations with her current Twitter feed, allegedly provided to her by “a source with access to Quinn’s locked Twitter account” and found multiple tweets which contradict claims made by Quinn. (Related: Several High-Profile Game Developers Accused of Abuse and Sexual Assault)

As discovered by Slatz, the contradictions are as follows:

  • Quinn initially claimed that Holowka “had physically confined me to [his apartment]” while he “slowly isolated [her] from everyone else in my life” and “wouldn’t let [her] leave the apartment without him.” Tweets from this time indicate that she was not only in regular contact with multiple people, but also regularly visiting locations outside of the apartment, such as a fabric store and a coffee shop, and multiple public indie-game-developer meetups with other developers.
  • Quinn initially claimed that Holowka “kept putting off the agreed plane ticket home,” resulting in Quinn accepting “help getting out” from her roommate. Her Twitter feed indicates that Quinn was aware of her departure at least 10 days prior and was interested in meeting up with friends upon her return to Toronto.
  • Upon her sudden “escape,” Quinn claimed that Holowka “barely looked at [her] as [she] left”. Tweets made on the day of said departure reveal that she was, in fact, engaged in last minute “crunch” with Holowka on their game It’s Not Okay Cupid immediately prior to her flight.

Facebook conversations between Quinn and Eron Gjoni, Quinn’s ex-boyfriend and author of the now infamous Zoe Post, have also surfaced which show Quinn wishing to take “vengeance” against a “man [she] ostensibly loved” was Quinn’s motive for furthering her career in the games industry, with the desire to “get high up so [she] could tear it down.” These messages have since been verified by Gjoni. (Related: Marvel Comics Hires Zoe Quinn to Write Hellcat Story)

While these discrepancies, as Slatz states, are not “exculpatory,” they “reveal that Zoe Quinn is no way credible.” Though others in the indie game scene have come forward with their own stories regarding Holowka, Quinn’s allegations appear to have been aired in a way to specifically appeal to mob justice, with little regard to the public backlash that would have undeniably followed and, as these inconsistencies show, Holowka’s presumption of innocence. With each development regarding these allegations, Quinn continues to rapidly lose her credibility. (Related: DC Comics Writer Zoe Quinn Attempts to Excuse Antifa Assault On Reporter Andy Ngo)

As of writing, Quinn has not publicly responded to the evidence presented in Slatz’s article.

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