Marvel Comics Hires Zoe Quinn to Write Hellcat Story

Marvel Comics announced they hired Zoe Quinn to write a Hellcat story in their four-issue anthology series titled Fearless.

Quinn’s Hellcat series will appear in Fearless #3 and she spoke with about her upcoming story.

Quinn stated:

“What I love about Hellcat is how she’s been through hell, literally, and instead of being bitter or mean, she’s still sweet and cares more about helping people than she does punishing them. It’s been really fun to write for her because in addition to her own awesomeness she’s got this really excellent supporting cast of other really relatable street-level supers, gig economy workers, and actual dang demons.”

Marvel also shared two preview images for Fearless #3.

Quinn was part of the creative team behind Vertigo and DC Comics’ Goddess Mode. Her book was part of a line-wide relaunch and rebranding effort for Vertigo Comics. Instead, DC Comics would shut the entire publishing imprint down. Not only was Quinn’s book part of the line-wide relaunch, but she and a number of the Vertigo Comics creators who were part of the relaunch and rebrand quickly made themselves controversial political figures. (Related: Zoe Quinn Calls Republicans Evil – Violates DC Comics Social Media Guidelines)

Not only did Quinn and her fellow creators at Vertigo Comics bring controversy to the imprint, but the books simply didn’t sell at all. Quinn’s Goddess Mode shipped 17, 471 copies for the first issue. The second issue would only ship 8,116 and it wouldn’t get any prettier. (Related: DC Comics Confirms Vertigo Comics Shut Down – Reorganizes Into Three Labels)

Zoe Quinn and The Addams Family

Quinn won’t be just joining Marvel. IDW Publishing announced Quinn will write the story in their upcoming The Addams Family: The Bodies Issue one shot. She will be joined by artist Philip Murphy.

Quinn discussed why she was interested in writing The Addams Family:

“As a goth who fell in love with The Addams Family at a young age, it’s a dream come true to write for the iconic, loving family of oddballs. As a comics creator, I’ve really enjoyed being able to play with visual gags and write the most fun dialogue I’ve ever created, too.”

The one-shot is expected to see Wednesday Addams discover a mysterious tome that promises empowerment to the young woman who wields it. She decides to perform the rituals required in the Eleventeen magazine in order to obtain the ultimate power.

Do you plan on picking up any of these titles from Zoe Quinn?

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