Comic Book Review: Wonder Woman #1

Wonder Woman is seen as a symbol of female empowerment, she also brings to fans a complex, strong, and at times passionate character that people hold close to their hearts. This makes Diana for many, the embodiment of the perfect woman. A lot of this is a testament to the writing her character has enjoyed, as well as her following around the world. As the summer kicks into gear, it looks to be continuing a great 2016 for Wonder Woman. From a major motion picture appearance in Batman Vs. Superman, an upcoming movie of her own, to the Rebirth series encompassing the entire DC universe, Wonder Woman is riding pretty high with the mainstream.

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B01H430AJ6″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”bounintocomi-20″ width=”325″]

As we read before, the trend of confusion and fear we saw in the last issue continues as the Rebirth relaunch progresses with [easyazon_link identifier=”B01H430AJ6″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Wonder Woman #1[/easyazon_link]. Veteran writer Greg Rucka continues to awe the reader with Diana’s quest to piece together a puzzle of foggy memories and uncertainty. Like in the previous issue, Wonder Woman is confused with her current mental state. Rucka paints a brilliantly wild and primal picture for the reader of a woman who is struggling to clear away the fog that is keeping her from remembering what’s real, and what isn’t. The way that Rucka writes, you feel that you’re walking with Diana, and with her you’re searching for answers. This theme of confusion can also be seen with other heroes in the current Rebirth relaunch, but with the way Rucka is writing it, I believe he has so far expressed it the best.

Wonder Woman #1

Artist Liam Sharp brings us into a wild and primal state with Diana. Liam Sharp is able to capture Diana’s foggy mental state in the artwork. As Wonder Woman travels and searches throughout this issue she, like in the previous issue, trying to piece together the puzzle. This is shown in the art work through her movement, and her monologue which is brought out in each panel. The panels merge well together as the story jumps back and forth between major characters throughout the issue. This gives the reader an easy time following and enjoying the story.

Colorist Laura Martin takes the wide and confused tone written by Rucka and drawn by Sharp and expresses it beautifully The environment physically looks hot when the scene is in a tropical? environment and it feels cold as we are taken to an office environment in a few short panels. This movement between major and minor tones with Martin’s coloring is very appealing and does nothing but compliment the rest of the issue.

Wonder Woman #1

The Verdict

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01H430AJ6″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Wonder Woman #1[/easyazon_link] continues the journey we left off in in Wonder Woman Rebirth. We get to see what a team of extremely talented people can do with such an iconic character. From the depth of writing provided by Greg Rucka, to the amazing art by Liam Sharp to Laura Martin’s coloring skills, we are brought us into a world where Diana is struggling to put together a puzzle. You don’t want to miss this series.

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