Comic Book Review: Weavers #3

In previous issues of Weavers, main character Sid looked as if he was reluctantly becoming a supervillain due to circumstances that are beyond his control. In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01ICTWWNS” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Weavers #3[/easyazon_link] it is beginning to look as if maybe he isn’t as innocent as he once appeared.

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B01ICTWWNS” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”bounintocomi-20″ width=”323″]

Sid continues to work for the Weavers, an organized crime syndicate that is linked through their supernatural abilities. These abilities are granted to them from what appear to be superpowered spiders that inhabit their bodies.

The code of the Weavers is that they don’t keep secrets from one another. However, Sid seems to be failing miserably at this. He is chock full of secrets, secrets that have yet to be totally revealed to the readers. The spider inside of his body has been urging him to spill his guts to the people he now works for, but he continues to refuse.

In Weavers #3, Sid spends some time gathering information about events that have been alluded to in past issues. This intelligence gathering appears to be happening behind his new boss’ back. How Sid is connected to these events, or why he is researching them is still a mystery.

Weavers #3

In Weavers #1, the reader was not given a true origin story for Sid. Instead, the story began about a week into his employment with the Weavers. Writer Simon Spurrier continues to play the long game with regards to Sid’s origin, and it is paying off.

By not starting from the beginning of this story, it leaves the reader guessing, and like any good mystery you find yourself looking for clues. The mystery in this case is Sid as a character, and whether he is as innocent as he came across in the very first issue. My guess would be no.

In one of the more interesting moments between characters in this issue, it is alluded to that Sid might have been able to prevent a person’s death. Not preventing it could possibly be perceived as an accident, or perhaps it was intended.

Weavers #3

This issue ends on a cliffhanger, that will surely put Sid in hot water with rest of the Weavers in future issues.

Artist Dylan Burnett continues on art duties, and he knocks it out of the park. The surreal dark world he creates is just a wonderful thing to look at. In particular the moments when Sid and the rest of the people in the gang use their powers. The way in which these characters use their powers seem incredibly grotesque in nature, but are beautifully rendered in the artwork.

Burnett’s style seems to blend an indie sensibility, with the mainstream. He has no problem drawing action packed scenes, but his characters succeed in looking human, unique, and not musclebound.

Weavers #3

The Verdict

Sid continues to be an interesting character, he is still a mystery and still remains enigmatic in [easyazon_link identifier=”B01ICTWWNS” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Weavers #3[/easyazon_link]. This is not a detriment though, this slow reveal feels very satisfying, and will make readers want to come back for more. Artwise the comic looks great. The Weavers grotesque powers are beautifully rendered by artist Dylan Burnett.

Jared is a nerd reporter who would rather be reading comics than catching up on the world news. When ... More about Jared Leatzow
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