Comic Book Review: Weavers #5

Since issue one, Weavers has remained an interesting series, in particular because of how it handles its main character Sid’s backstory. In the first issue we were given almost zero information about the type of person Sid was, and where he came from. However, with the series moving towards its conclusion, more information about Sid, and his motivations are now finally being revealed.

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Last issue we discovered that Sid is a former junkie. However, he got clean, and for whatever reason he has been trying to solve a mystery. This little homework project is something he has been doing in secret, but seems to surround events that led to him getting his Weaver superpowers.

In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01KW590KS” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Weavers #5[/easyazon_link] we are given the biggest reveal of all. We finally learn the complete backstory of our main character, with a twist or two thrown in at the end of the issue. A twist that involves an internal coup d’etat from one of Sid’s closest allies.

Weavers #5

Writer Simon Spurrier continues to do a great job penning this series. Sid remains a compelling character, who in some regards is an unlikely anti-hero. From junkie to mafioso, Sid seems to be living a very dark version of the American dream.

In the early issues of the series, when Sid was still learning to use he came off as naive, dumb and somewhat reactionary. Spurrier has been able to take this naive and dumb kid and really evolve him as he has grown with his powers. He has been able to evolve and adapt learning from his failures and showing a cunning intelligence that you would have never thought he would be capable of.

Weavers #5

The moodiness of the Weavers #5, is as always dark, and there seems to be a complete lack of humor in the script. Previously, I have praised artist Dylan Burnett’s artwork. He is great, and he has remained consistent throughout the series. However, the style seemed to pair the best in earlier issues when Sid was more inept. As Sid grows more confident in his abilities, and the book becomes more serious in tone, the cartoonish pseudo-anime style that Burnett employs for the series seems less and less appropriate. Where Burnett excels though is that he still, and always does, manage to create interesting and grotesque ways for the Weavers to use their powers. In this regard there is no one better suited.

In one particular action scene Burnett manages to really shine as he brings to life the Weavers ambush and attack a rival gang’s facility.As the action heats up he draws a number of kinetic panels, that seem almost animated at times. We see a number of Weavers showing off their powers which involve anything from shooting energy blasts to slicing and dicing people with superpowered blades.

Weavers #5

The Verdict

Sid’s origin is finally revealed,and he appears more capable than ever in his role of gangster in [easyazon_link identifier=”B01KW590KS” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Weavers #5[/easyazon_link]. Yet, Sid still might not be as capable as he is coming across. It appears that there is an agent provocateur in the midst of the Weavers and Sid is more closely connected to this person then he was aware off. Artwise, Burnett does a good job, but the series’ more serious tone sometimes feels out of place with his drawings. He does a great job with action and super powers, but his less than realistic style doesn’t always feel well suited.

Jared is a nerd reporter who would rather be reading comics than catching up on the world news. When ... More about Jared Leatzow
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