Comic Book Review: Trinity #2

“I don’t want you to live in fear of what’s out there. There’s more to this world than bad guys trying to take you away.”

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Francis Manapul’s Trinity #1 was a spectacular debut for the triumphant trio of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Being known for his exquisite art it’s no surprise it was the best looking book in the Rebirth lineup. The story was engaging, managing to enthrall the audience while introducing the team and their chemistry. Though most superhero series debut with notable action sequences, Trinity represented the kind of “quiet evening” missing from many modern comics. Thankfully the next installment is just as phenomenal as the previous issue. Being the sole member of the creative team is no easy task. Though mostly known for his critically lauded run on The Flash with Brian Buccellato, Manapul has also had the pleasure of drawing most of DC’s biggest names in the last few years. It’s evident he’s taking that experience to heart as he takes his own talent to new heights in this series. With a genuinely exciting mystery for DC’s 3’s All-Stars, [easyazon_link identifier=”B01IO3Z81K” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Trinity #2[/easyazon_link] is yet another breath of fresh air from one of comics’ best.

Trinity #2

Trinity #1 left our heroes on the Kent Farm in the presence of Jonathan Kent. As the team and the other Pa Kent recover from the encounter it becomes clear they’re no longer in their own time. A young Clark makes a bombastic entrance, coming face to face with 3 costumed behemoths holding the frail body of his father. The brief yet violent encounter shows just how powerful a young Superman could be, especially when he can no longer hear his John’s heartbeat. It’s a thrilling scene made all the better by the elder Superman echoing the younger’s love for his Pa. While Wonder Woman and Batman do little more than stand on the sidelines they’re still well-written, providing insight and advice to their own Clark. Having to juggle three of comics best characters can be incredibly difficult. To manage Manapul has cleverly shaped the plot to focus on Superman, possibly an indication of how future arcs and issues may focus on Batman and Wonder Woman.


The specifics behind the team’s trip to the Kent farm remain hidden. The driving force behind most superhero comics tend to be their heroes battling the ultimate villain. Again, the pages of Trinity #2 challenge that very status quo with a quietly intriguing mystery. Without any inkling of what occurred it’s unclear whether the team have gone back in time or to another world in the Multiverse. Though some writers are quick to reveal clues, Manapul keeps the overall story close to the chest, making the next issue more inviting for the reader. In fact, he gives almost no idea as to what the overarcing story or conflict will be. There’s no indication of who the villain might be or whether there’s a villain in the first place. A disembodied voice serves as the only clue as to what tale the next few issues will have to tell. An incredibly mystifying way to reveal what Trinity has to offer.

It almost goes without saying that Francis Manapul continues to outdo himself in the art department. Everything from the colors and characters to the settings and panels is a lesson in captivating readers. Images come to life with actual emotion coming off of character’s expressions and body language. Most superhero series need action to compensate for lack of detail. This comic is clearly not one of them. Manapul’s gifts make Trinity #2 into a gorgeous tapestry even though the story still takes place in one location. Another breathtaking addition to an already remarkable body of work.

Trinity #2


Loving a comic book is easy when it’s truly special. The kind of story that stands out on the shelves; the kind of art that pops right out at you. That’s what brings the audience in. Francis Manapul has had a storied career with DC for the last few years. Some of his titles may not have the same impact as others, but his creations are always of an incredibly high quality. It’s no surprise [easyazon_link identifier=”B01IO3Z81K” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Trinity #2[/easyazon_link] continues his hot streak. The work he puts into both words and art shows how much he cares for these characters. Here is a superhero story unlike any other being told right now. One that just so happens to look stunning without having any major fights. Instead, it’s a simple story set on a farm in Kansas. Already having spent time with the Caped Crusader in Detective Comics, Manapul places the early spotlight on Superman. A choice that will ultimately make each of Trinity’s arcs more significant and memorable. Sometimes it feels as though Batman and Wonder Woman are simply along for the ride, but the Kent’s story is more than enough to satisfy any reader.

Daniel Mills is a screenwriter and director working in Los Angeles, California. Far too many comics and Forgotten Realms-novels ... More about Daniel Mills
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