Todd McFarlane Teases Medieval Spawn/Witchblade Crossover!

Todd McFarlane dropped a ton of Spawn news over the weekend. First, he announced he is writing and directing a Spawn movie, then he went on to reveal a brand new crossover comic series featuring Medieval Spawn and Witchblade by Brian Holguin and Brian Haberlin.

Haberlin confirmed the announcement on Facebook stating, “Officially announced today via Todd McFarlane! I’m doing a Medieval Spawn/ medieval Witchblade miniseries with my ol’ creative buddy Brian Holguin! Coming at the end of this year!

Officially announced today via Todd McFarlane! I’m doing a Medieval Spawn/ medieval Witchblade miniseries with my ol’ creative buddy Brian Holguin! Coming at the end of this year!

Posted by Brian Haberlin onĀ Saturday, July 22, 2017

Medieval Spawn debuted in Spawn #9 all the way back in March of 1993. Medieval Spawn was a 16th century English knight by the name of Sir John of York. He became a Hellspawn when he and three other knights murdered the Archbishop of Canterbury mistaking King Henry II’s angry words as orders. When attempting to contact King Henry in order to ask for forgiveness, King Henry II’s bodyguards killed him sending him to hell whereupon he made a deal with Malebolgia. After returning to Earth, he performed good deeds in the hope of redemption.

The Witchblade is the semi-organic offspring of The Darkness and The Angelus. It is male in nature and usually takes the shape of a metal gauntlet. It seeks out as female hosts and grants them the ability to wield a variety of weapons as well as have the power to heal them.

During Medieval times, the Witchblade found a host in Katarina Godliffe, a thief, treasure hunter, and adventurer. The Wtichblade bonded with her when an army of The Darkness battled Medieval Spawn in a three part miniseries titled Medieval Spawn/Witchblade by Garth Ennis and Brandon Peterson. Godliffe and Medieval Spawn would go onto team up to defeat The Darkness. However, Medieval Spawn would meet his demise at the hands of the demon hunter Angela, while Godliffe would travel to a faerie realm and become a sheriff.

It’s unclear whether Haberlin and Holguin will use the same characters from the original crossover or if they will introduce us to brand new characters in the same time period. The series is expected to debut later this year from Image Comics!

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