Gotham Just Found Their Professor Pyg!

Fox’s Gotham just found their Professor Pyg in Michael Cerveris.

Cerveris will bring his Tony Award-winning acting skills to Gotham Season 4 when he takes on the role of one of Gotham’s most psychotic villains in Professor Pyg according to TVLine.

“Michael is one of my best friends,” said Gotham executive producer Danny Cannon. He continued, “He was in my film school graduation movie, when we were both amateurs. And now he’s joining the fold as Professor Pyg.”

Michael Cerveris also stars on Amazon’s The Tick and you might remember him from the 1986 series Fame, but he really made his mark on Fringe as The Observer.

Professor Pyg also known as Lazlo Valentin was created by Grant Morrison in Andy Kubert and quickly became one of the most disturbing Batman villains ever. He debuted in Batman #666. Pyg’s derangement comes from his need to replace everyone’s face with one of his own creation. He wants to remove any sense of individuality to create a more uniform society. In order to create this perfect being, Pyg surgically experiments on his victims turning them into “dollotrons.”

Professor Pyg will join Scarecrow in Gotham’s Season 4 along with past villains Penguin and Riddler.

Cannon told TVLine that the studio asked them to tone back the terror when it came to Scarecrow. “When the studio asks you to tone back because it’s too scary, you know you’ve done something right!” If Professor Pyg is anything like how Cannon described Scarecrow, Gotham is in for a fright.

Gotham returns to Fox on September 21, 2017. It will air on Thursdays at 8/7c.

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