Can You Find the Two Porgs Hiding in this New Chinese Star Wars: The Last Jedi Poster?

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Chinese Poster

In a brand new Star Wars: The Last Jedi poster for China, Rey stands ready to do battle on the island of Ahch-To. And accompanying her are two of the most divisive new Star Wars characters, the Porgs.

Take a look at the poster and see if you can find the Porgs. If you can’t find them, see below for the answer.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Chinese poster

The Porgs are not only divisive among the Star Wars fan base, but also among the cast.

In a recent sit down on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Rian Johnson revealed the two drastically different reactions he got from the Porgs, “When we would bring the puppet out on set, that’s when I first got my inkling because the work would stop on set and half the crew would be like, ‘Oh, that’s so adorable!’ And half the crew would be kinda giving it the side eye a little.”

John Boyega’s response to the Porgs is my favorite. “I just naturally don’t like them, I don’t. I went on the [Millennium] Falcon and there was a hole and then there was, like, little porgs all bunched together, and then there were big ones. I got itchy.” He continued, “They had the puppets blinking and all that kind of stuff. I’m not into it.”


Poe Dameron’s Oscar Isaac had a very different take on the Porgs, “I love the Porgs. I’m Pro-Porg.”

Andy Serkis who plays Supreme Leader Snoke even mentioned he wanted to play a Porg. “I actually said to Rian, Snoke fine, but can we please allow me to play at least one scene as a Porg. And we talked through the storyline. It just didn’t evolve in the way that I thought it might.”

Which side are you on? Are you Pro-Porg or Anti-Porg?

Were you able to find the Porgs in the poster above? Here they are:


Star Wars: The Last Jedi comes to theaters on December 15, 2017.

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