DC Comics Announces New Catwoman Series at C2E2

DC Comics announced a brand new Catwoman ongoing series at C2E2, Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo. The series will diverge from DC Comics current crop of titles as it will deliver on a monthly basis instead of twice a month. It will also be the first Catwoman solo series in over two years.
The new series will be written and drawn by Joëlle Jones, who has collaborated with Tom King on a number of the Catwoman-centric issues in his more recent Batman stories including the showdown between Catwoman and Talia al Ghul. Jones has also been key in designing Catwoman’s wedding dress.
Jones is also no stranger to writing and drawing complicated female protagonists. Her Lady Killer series at Dark Horse Comics is some of the best work on the shelves.
DC revealed the new solo series will “spin out of this year’s much anticipated Bat Wedding in Batman #50.”
The new series won’t be about Selina and Bruce’s honeymoon on a tropical beach or even about their marriage. Jones will take Catwoman back to the streets where she will have to deal with a copycat and a new unnamed villain.
Here’s the official description from DC Comics:
“The wedding night’s barely over, but Catwoman’s back on the streets, this time to expose a copycat who’s pulling heists around Gotham City. As Selina cracks the whip on her former criminal cohorts, she’s attracting unwanted attention from one of Gotham’s most dangerous groups. The mob? Nope. Try the GCPD. And as if the Bat-Bride didn’t have enough problems, there’s an all-new villain determined to make trouble for all nine of Selina’s lives. Don’t miss the start of an all-new monthly series written and illustrated by Eisner Award-nominee Joëlle Jones!”
Catwoman #1 will feature a cover by Laura Allred with a variant cover by Stanley “Artgerm” Lau. It will go on sale on July 4, 2018.
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