The Best Comic Books from 4/25 – You Rank Them!

We are starting something new here at Bounding Into Comics. Every week we are going to give you the chance to rate your favorite comic books that came out that week. We’ll start the list by adding 10 comics, but you can add your own books which you think deserve to be on the list. From there you just up vote the books you think were good and down vote the books you think sucked.
There were a lot of comic books that dropped this week. Marvel gave us two new Star Wars books with Darth Vader #15 and Doctor Aphra #19. We also got the conclusion to Doctor Strange: Damnation with issue 4. Jason Aaron is wrapping up his Jane Foster female Thor storyline in The Mighty Thor #706. They also launched their mega epic Wolverine series in The Hunt for Wolverine #1. And Donny Cates created a funny bookend to this Thanos series in the Thanos Annual #1.
DC Comics had an absolute ton of books out this week as well. We got two of their new DC Age of New Heroes books with The Terrifics #3 and The Silencer #4. We got the conclusion to The Demon: Hell is Earth and Batman and The Signal. There were also new stories in The Flash, Detective Comics, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, Trinity, Raven: Daughter of Darkness, Mera: Queen of Atlantis, and more.
Valiant also dropped two book with X-O Manowar #14 and Shadowman #2.
If you want to find out my Top 3 picks make sure you sign up for the Bounding Into Comics Email list! Click here. I'll be sending out my Top 3 picks at the end of the week!
But enough from us. Which comic books did you think were the cream of the crop for the week of April 25, 2018?
Vote below and remember if one of your favorites isn’t on here, you can easily add it!
If you want to add a comic book to the list you can do so by clicking here.
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