DC Comics Uses Superman to Promote Progressive Refugee Policy

DC Comics took it upon themselves to use their most iconic superhero, Superman, to promote standing up for refugees. By doing so they inserted the character and DC Comics as a whole into the current heated political debate surrounding immigration and refugees into the United States.
Superman stands up for what’s right. Did you also know he’s a refugee? This #WorldRefugeeDay, be like Superman and stand up for what’s right. #StandWithRefugees and @theIRC. pic.twitter.com/Qn9wY4rDGp
— DC (@DCComics) June 20, 2018
Superman always stands up for what’s right. Did you know he’s a refugee? Refugees contribute to the fabric of our society. Stand on the right side of history this World Refugee Day. #StandWithRefugees and @theIRC https://t.co/cifai799Rl pic.twitter.com/USvEq6Xmhp
— Warner Bros. (@WarnerBrosEnt) June 20, 2018
The Tweets might seem innocent at first glance, but any sense of understanding about the current immigration debate in the United States reveals this is a major political move by AT&T, Warner Bros., and DC Comics to support Democrat politicians who are calling for loosening immigration law. Not only do they want to loosen current immigration law, but they want to allow people who claim to be refugees and have crossed into the United States illegally to be granted asylum. DC Comics is effectively advocating for criminals and using Superman to do it.
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A number of fans were not happy with DC Comics and their choice to take a political side in the current immigration debate.
You are now turning a cultural icon into a political figure to support refugees?
Don’t be like Marvel. Please.— the Masked Warrior GAB.ai/theMaskedWarrior (@Gost_Face_RLSH) June 20, 2018
I think maybe the point is that a fictional character’s back story isn’t a credible point to prove a major political topic one way or the other.
— Tim Schulte (@Timschulte426) June 20, 2018
Dear @DCComics,
Our refugees behave often like destroyers and rapists so please send Superman to save us.
Kind regards from Europe.
— Foske – frij frommes ??❤ (@blaauw_foske) June 20, 2018
ENOUGH of the nonsense. This issue was going on under Obama but you didn’t GAF enough of the MANAFACTURED OUTRAGE. I don’t read comics to be constantly bombarded with preaching on issues you only don’t even have a true understanding of.
— MaineiacleWis (@GregoryJBoucha1) June 20, 2018
Done pic.twitter.com/47D7gkLKNN
— secaucusartist (@secaucusartist) June 20, 2018
— I am Jack’s Failed Virtue Signal…?♂️ (@SJWsAreForKids) June 20, 2018
So does this make Zod and the other Kryptonians who aren’t Superman or Supergirl MS-13?
— Bugle Planet (@BuglePlanet) June 20, 2018
This is why I’ve stopped buying your comics, going to your movies or watching your shows. The same goes for my kids. Stay out of politics. #ConservativesBuyComicsToo #ConservativesLikeSuperHeroesToo
— Orca (@OrcasRevenge) June 20, 2018
Please, please, please…don’t step into this political horror show! Do it in the comics, but not like this…It’s cheap and incendiary and it leaves a sour taste in the mouth….about Superman. He would never pick a side, he would just help those he could…Respect Superman!!!
— Common Sense (@RealWorld2018) June 20, 2018
Now your trying to use Superman to advance your political beliefs? Pathetic. He’s a fictional character, FICTIONAL.
— Ian Rainsberger (@RainsbergerIan) June 20, 2018
If Superman were real, he could fix the very issues that these people seek refuge from. Thus, they would not need to be refugees. Your argument that he would support unlimited access to the United States doesn’t even make sense. At all.
— NowhereMan (@JeffVermeire) June 20, 2018
One user even parodied the DC Comics tweet using Thanos.
Thanos stands up for what’s right. Did you also know he’s a refugee? This #WorldRefugeeDay, be like Thanos and stand up for what’s right. #StandWithRefugees pic.twitter.com/usEGSkt5bb
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) June 20, 2018
There were a number of people who did agree with DC Comics as well.
This is why I love you guys ❤ pic.twitter.com/nHVYInC5FW
— Victor (@Victorious_Geek) June 20, 2018
DC!!! You’re just wonder-ful!!?❤ #StandWithRefugees pic.twitter.com/jBRyCsrmjQ
— Susan Eisenberg (@susaneisenberg1) June 20, 2018
Hell yeah, DC.
— Austin Satterwaite (@ProfofEvil) June 20, 2018
Do you think DC Comics should be using Superman to score political points? Do you like that AT&T, Warner Bros., and DC Comics are choosing a side in the current political debate in the United States? Will you continue to support DC Comics?
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