Marvel Comics Artist Mike Deodato Jr. Expresses His Animosity Towards Comicsgate!

Marvel Comics artist Mike Deodato Jr., who is currently drawing [easyazon_link identifier=”B07D9W8CTZ” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Infinity Wars[/easyazon_link], expressed his animosity towards Comicsgate in a series of Tweets.
After Frank Cho denounced Comicsgate, Mike Deodato Jr., would declare that not only will he not support or associate with anyone from Comicsgate, but he will also no longer be attending any conventions where people who support Comicsgate will be attending.
I had already decided to never work with anyone who supports or is associated with Comicsgate, but today I have also decided I won’t attend any convention they are invited as well.
— Mike Deodato, Jr. (@mikedeodato) September 18, 2018
This isn’t the first time Deodato Jr. has spoke out against Comicsgate.
He first tweeted an article from Paste decrying the movement.
ComicsGate Won’t Be Defeated by Well-Intentioned Tweets Alone via @pastemagazine
— Mike Deodato, Jr. (@mikedeodato) August 28, 2018
He would follow that up with another Tweet.
O comicsgate representa o pior do mundo dos quadrinhos e qualquer pessoa com um mínimo de bom-senso os abominaria. Chamar @MagsVisaggs de imbecil só demonstra a sua própria imbecilidade.
— Mike Deodato, Jr. (@mikedeodato) August 29, 2018
My colleague Jorge Arenas was kind enough to translate:
“Comicsgate is full of the worst of comics. Anyone with any sense would abhor them. And anyone who bad mouths Mags is an imbecile.”
Deodato of course is referring to the same Mags Visaggio who threatened to beat cis people with a bat.
Deodato would go on to Tweet out a number of other articles concerning Jeff Lemire, Tom Taylor, Joe Quesada, the complete and outright false Washington Post piece, as well as the smear job in The Guardian.
He would also praise Mags Visaggio again along with Marc Lombardi, Gail Simone, and Twitter user Renfamous.
If I had to choose one good thing coming out of this horrible #comicsgate shame, that would be the chance to watch some of the bravest people on twitter standing up for their beliefs: @MagsVisaggs @marclombardi @renfamous and @GailSimone
— Mike Deodato, Jr. (@mikedeodato) September 10, 2018
Deodato would receive praise for his anti-consumer stance from former Marvel Comics editor Heather Antos.
Deo… You are amazing. Miss working with you, dude!
— Heather “has no merit” Antos (@HeatherAntos) September 18, 2018
DC Comics and Marvel Comics writer Gail Simone would seemingly also take the pledge to not attend any conventions where Comicsgate members will be attending.
I’m in too, Mike. You’re the best.
— GAIL SIMONE (@GailSimone) September 18, 2018
A number of other folks would praise Deodato:
That’s awesome! Thank you for taking a stand. Here’s hoping more follow your lead.
— Jafleece (@Jafleece) September 18, 2018
Thank you for being a man of honor, Mike. Thank you
— Princess Damage (@tgshepherdvan) September 18, 2018
Awesome, Mike! Thanks for standing up to this hate group.
— Jason D is gonna be at NYCC (@JDincauze) September 18, 2018
However, one user went straight to the heart of Deodato’s message saying it “seems to say screw the entire fan base for a few shit heads.”
I don’t support comicgate. This just seems to say screw the entire fan base for A few shit heads. I might be misinterpreting this though. But that seems a bit unfair overall.
— Nate Wilson (@TornadoError404) September 18, 2018
Another questioned how Deodato would actually enforce this policy given the sheer numbers of consumers who support Comicsgate.
So are you going to incorporate Gestapo like lie detector tests to insure that fans who support comicgate aren’t allowed in to the conventions as well?
— Jabbahey (@Jabbahey1234) September 18, 2018
And both of these folks are completely right. Deodato is cutting his nose off to spite his face. If Deodato and Gail Simone are truly going to keep this promise and not attend any conventions that Comicsgate members are attending, it’s more than likely they won’t be attending any conventions at all in the future because Comicsgate is diverse. They live across the world. They are also diehard comic book fans and attend conventions. How in the world will Simone be able to determine if a convention attendee is a member of Comicsgate? If they do find out that a Comicsgate member is attending the convention will they leave?
This just feels extremely petty, but it also showcases where the comic book industry is at the moment. Not a good place.
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