Deadpool Trailers Are Here!

Deadpool Poster

Last week 20th Century Fox released their first Deadpool trailer and a trailer for the trailer! Typical Deadpool.

The trailer for the trailer is quite hilarious and self-deprecating, acknowledging the absolute horrible depiction of the character in [easyazon_link identifier=”B004UPANAI” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]X-Men Origins: Wolverine[/easyazon_link] as he sits in a posh study attempting to smoke a pipe. It is quintessential Deadpool.

The real trailer is much more of what you would expect from a movie trailer. There is quite a bit of action and it appears that parts of the action sequence from the original leaked test footage made it into the movie. Many of the action sequences are really cool especially the way Deadpool lines up his victims for the perfect shots. The trailer does reveal the movie will follow the typical pattern of comic book movies by introducing the character’s origin story and building from there. One thing that doesn’t happen and is a bit disappointing is Deadpool never breaks the fourth wall in the trailer.

The trailer doesn’t really reveal anything about the plot besides Wade Wilson’s transformation into Deadpool. The trailer does reveal the fact that some X-Men make an appearance. It is unclear what their involvement is.

The trailer is chock full of violence, sex, and a whole lot of irreverence. Everything you could want from a Deadpool trailer.

Will you be touching yourself tonight? Which trailer do you like better?

WARNING: These trailers are NOT SAFE FOR WORK!

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