Dark Horse Unveils 2016 Free Comic Book Day Stories

Dark Horse Free Comic Book Day 2016

Dark Horse has unveiled three stories they will be offering for Free Comic Book Day 2016!

The first takes us to the world of Hellboy where an unforgettable lesson from his past is shared by the world’s greatest paranormal investigator. Mike Mignola and Richard Corben will take on art and writing duties for the Hellboy story set in 1954.

The second story provides a sneak peek into the upcoming Aliens: Defiance series with an original tale of terror. It will be part of the thirtieth anniversary celebration of the original Aliens film. Brian Wood and Tristan Jones will tell the new xenomorph tale of terror.

Finally, Serentiy takes flight again providing an update on the crew following the film and the Leaves on the Wind series. Chris Roberson and Stephen Byrne will be taking on the creative duties.

You can pick up all three of these stories at your local comic shop on May 7, 2016 or Free Comic Book Day!

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