First Look: All-New, All-Different Avengers #9

Age of Apocalypse Variant by Khoi Pham

All-New, All-Different Avengers #9 begins a new story arc, “Family Business,” this May. This will be the first story arc with the all-new Wasp, who will make her first appearance on Free Comic Book Day.

Writer Mark Waid and artist Mahmud Asrar will give us a story featuring Wasp as she makes a beeline for the center of the Marvel Universe. And of course her first stop is buzzing straight into the All-New, All-Different Avengers. The question remains whether Wasp will be a friend or foe to the Avengers. But more importantly what does she plan to do about Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?

All-New, All-Different Avengers #9 hits comic book shelves on May 11th. Alex Ross will provide the main cover (MAR160762) as well as a variant (MAR160763). Khoi Pham has put together a stunning Age of Apocalypse variant (MAR160764) . The final order cutoff is April 18th (This is also the tax deadline, lots of important deadlines this year!)

Cover by Alex Ross Variant Cover by Alex Ross Age of Apocalypse Variant by Khoi Pham




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