Emma Ríos’ ‘I.D.’ Gets Paperback Edition in June

Emma Ríos (Mirror, Island) is releasing her dystopian tale I.D. in trade paperback this June.
The story analyzes the conflict between perception and identity through the struggle of three people who consider a “body transplant” as a solution to their lives.
“I.D. and ISLAND brought me back to the place in comics I love the most,” said Ríos.
The trade paperback (ISBN 978-1-63215-782-9) hits comic book shelves on Wednesday, June 22nd and bookstores on Tuesday, June 28th. It will be available for $9.99. [easyazon_link identifier=”1632157829″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Pre-Order it today[/easyazon_link].
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