Batman Joins NFL Players In Protest

Italian artist Francesco Francavilla put Batman front and center in the ongoing national political debate happening in the NFL.

Francavilla drew Batman on one knee with his right fist clenched as he looks out into the world. Along with the photo Francavilla included “Today’s BATMAN. #TakeTheKnee”

Francesco Francavilla recently drew Batman on a number of variant covers for All Star Batman. He is currently writing and drawing Dynamite Comic’s Will Eisner’s The Spirit: The Corpse-Makers.

#TakeTheKnee began when former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kapernick famously began taking a knee in silent protest during the National Anthem for all games last season.

The protest gained renewed vigor after President Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to stop attending NFL games.

Francavilla’s Batman drawing received mixed reactions.

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