After Two Spinal Surgeries, Former Publisher Larry Shell Needs Help Saving His Home

Larry Shelly

Throughout anyone’s life, there are going to be plenty of ups and downs. Within the comic book world, fans, writers, and other creators do a great job of reaching out and helping.  And that is why I’m writing this today.

See, comic book veteran Larry Shell could use our help today. Larry has been working in the industry since the 1970s. He’s held a ton of different hats. Larry has been a publisher, editor, and even writer. He’s even gotten into the trading card game and wrote for Heavy Metal. Larry Shell is a great example of someone who has been so many different parts of the industry.

For example, he was the Director of Publications for Heroes World Distribution for the better part of a decade. He also spent two years with Marvel Comics’ marketing department.

He also acted as an agent for many artists and collectors for original art sales.

So, what is going on, and what does Larry Shell need? I’ll just allow the man himself to explain:

Things have not been good for me for a long time and they’ve been coming to a head of late. I need to raise funds to pay my overdue property taxes before my house is put up for tax sale by the town. To do so, a friend has started a Go Fund Me campaign.

Larry has been in poor health the past couple years undergoing two spinal surgeries.

Something many of us who aren’t either homeowners or who haven’t finished paying off the bank note don’t realize is that even after you pay off the mortgage, the government, local, state, and even federal at times will continue to hound you for money. Even if you’ve reached retirement the best you can hope for is that they’ll be kind enough not to raise next year’s bill.

It’s time for us as a comic book community to come together and chip in! Here is the GoFundMe campaign so you can contribute.

As of writing this article, the campaign is only a few hundred dollars short of its goal. Let’s help push it forward and break this goal. Let’s do our best to make sure Larry is able to keep his house as long as he’s with us!

Donate, share, and help get this trending. No matter our disagreements we’re still family. So let’s give a hand.


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