Marvel Announces New Thanos Story!

Marvel just announced Jim Starlin and Alan Davis’ latest edition to their Thanos trilogy, Thanos: The Infinity Conflict.
Thanos: The Infinity Conflict is the second part of the trilogy that begins with The Infinity Siblings.
Thanos: The Infinity Conflict will see Adam Warlock return to combat a Reality Gem powered Thanos who aims to become the lord of all reality. However, Thanos will find himself facing off against his troublesome brother, Starfox, and time travel. But they won’t be the only things standing in his way of ruling reality.
Who stands in Thanos’ way may just surprise you.
This latest trilogy may be the last of Jim Starlin’s work at Marvel Comics as the prolific creator who created the Mad Titan parted ways with the company in December.
Starlin revealed on Facebook:
Just to set the record straight, Marvel Comics didn’t pull me off any books, they just made it clear they weren’t interested in using me on any of the tie-in series to the movies or regular series. Even though I lobbied heavily to write the Thanos on-going that task was twice given to other writers, which is Marvel Editorial’s right to do.
What I objected to and what will be keep me from doing any further work for Marvel Editorial was Tom Brevoort approving a plot for the current on-going series, which was pretty much the same as the Thanos story arc in the graphic novel trilogy Alan Davis and I have been working on for Tom for close to the past year. He had 200 pages of script and 100 pages of pencils on this project when he gave the green light to a strikingly similar plot. The on-going will be in print before the graphic novel trilogy. To avoid spoiling anyone’s enjoyment of these two stories I will not be summarizing the striking similarities.
At first Tom denied giving his approval to the plot. When that turned out to be false, he switched to claiming there was nothing similar about the two plots. When that didn’t fly he changed his story to it was all an accident. These changes of excuse and other bits of procrastination ate up a month, by which time the current Thanos on-going art team was too far along for anything to be done about the situation. Too bad for me. So I am moving on.
Thanos: The Infinity Conflict will be released in an original graphic novel format in November 2018. Thanos: The Infinity Siblings comes to comic book shelves on April 4, 2018.
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