DC Comics Spoils Batman/Catwoman Wedding – Tom King Responds

DC Comics teamed up with the New York Times’ George Gene Gustines to spoil the story behind Batman #50 and answer the question of whether or not Batman and Catwoman will actually get married.

DC Comics has been highly touting the story line. They’ve even issued Wedding invitations to the story and turned it into a mini-event comic with a number of Wedding prelude issues focusing on a number of characters in the Batman family including Ra’s al Ghul, Batgirl, the Riddler, Joker, Harley Quinn, Anarky, Red Hood, Robin, Hush, and Nightwing.

DC Comics and a number of artists also teamed up with multiple comic book shops for exclusive variant covers for the wedding issue. It’s become a huge event book for DC Comics.

Tom King Responds

Tom King retweeted the following tweets encouraging people to block those who are attempting to spoil the story or at the very least mute the words Batman and Catwoman so you won’t find out what happens in Batman #50 before you get the chance to read the actual issue this coming Wednesday.

King would go on to issue his own Tweet regarding the situation noting that he’s simultaneously “pissed about things and excited about other things.”

Do you think DC Comics should have teamed up with the New York Times to spoil their highly touted storyline?

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