Marvel Comics Introduces Mutant Drag Queen Superhero

Marvel Comics introduced a mutant drag queen superhero in [easyazon_link identifier=”B07H9LRYZT” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Iceman #4[/easyazon_link] written by Sina Grace with art by Nathan Stockman.

The new drag queen superhero named Shade debuts in one panel in the issue where she is the emcee of a Mutant Pride event in Manhattan.


Shade would make a subsequent appearance in [easyazon_link identifier=”B07JBPH7JK” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Iceman #5[/easyazon_link] where she makes a couple of puns regarding Emma Frost and the Hellfire Club.


None of the actual panels in the comic actually suggest that Shade is a drag queen, but writer Sina Grace seemingly confirmed Shade is a drag queen on Twitter by asking if she would have an unfair advantage on RuPaul’s Drag Race.

The panels do hint at Shade’s mutant ability, which appears to be a type of teleportation through her fan. The Advocate describes Shade’s powers after confirming them with Grace:

“She can open pocket voids that allows her step into and out of her handheld folding fan.”

Grace also revealed his aims for the Iceman series to The Advocate, “I really wanted this series to push readers to new and better stories about the whole queer experience and how it applies to being both a mutant and a superhero.” He added, “There’s a million different queer perspectives and we’re only scratching the surface.”

Grace also notes his main goal is to “have fun.”

“My goal with this new Iceman series is for for everyone, myself, the readers, the characters involved in the comic book, to have fun.”

Shade’s last appearance won’t be in Iceman #5, she is also expected to show up in February’s Uncanny X-Men: Winter’s End which is also written by Sina Grace with art by Nathan Stockman.

What do you make of Marvel introducing a drag queen mutant superhero? Do you think Grace’s Tweet confirms Shade is a drag queen or could she just be a new mutant who has teleportation powers?

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