New Ghostbusters Movie Announced

Director Jason Reitman revealed he’s working on a a new Ghostbusters sequel. Reitman will direct and co-write the film.

Reitman will follow in his father Ivan Reitman’s footsteps who directed the original 1984 Ghostbusters film.

Reitman confirmed to EW that this film will not be a reboot, but will take place in the same universe as the original 1980s movies.

I’ve always thought of myself as the first Ghostbusters fan, when I was a 6-year-old visiting the set. I wanted to make a movie for all the other fans. This is the next chapter in the original franchise. It is not a reboot. What happened in the ‘80s happened in the ‘80s, and this is set in the present day.

Retiman didn’t reveal any specifics about the film or whether or not the original cast remembers including Dan Akroyd, Ernie Hudson, or Bill Murray will return. Harold Ramis passed away in 2014. He did indicate the film will feature a number of new characters.

“This is very early, and I want the film to unwrap like a present. We have a lot of wonderful surprises and new characters for the audience to meet.”

Retiman did discuss his passion for Ghostbusters:

“I love everything about it. The iconography. The music. The tone. I remember being on set and seeing them try out the card catalog gag for the first time when the library ghost makes them come flying out. I remember the day they killed Stay Puft and I brought home a hardened piece of foam that just sat on a shelf for years. I was scared there was a terror dog underneath my bed before people knew what a terror dog was.”

Jason Reitman won’t be the only Reitman involved in this new Ghostbusters film. Ivan Reitman will produce the film describing it as a “passing of the torch both inside and out.”

Ivan Reitman recalled his reaction when Jason pitched him the new Ghostbusters idea:

“It was a decision he had to come to himself. He worked really hard to be independent and developed a wonderful career on his own. So I was quite surprised when he came to me with Gil and said, ‘I know I’ve been saying for 10 years I’m the last person who should make a Ghostbusters movie, but…I have this idea.’ Literally, I was crying by the end of it, it was so emotional and funny.”

The new Ghostbusters film is currently slated to hit theaters sometime in the summer of 2020.

This live-action film isn’t the only Ghostbusters project in the works. An animated film is also expected to debut after the live-action movie.

The last live-action Ghostbusters film featured an all-female cast in 2016 and was a box office bomb only bringing in $229 million on an estimated $144 million budget. Audiences were not fans of the film giving it a 51% score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Reaction to this new Ghostbusters movie has been mixed.

What do you make of this Ghostbusters news? Are you excited it will be taking place within the original continuity? Do you think we need another Ghostbusters movie?

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