Rumor: Avengers Cast Not Happy with Brie Larson – Captain Marvel’s Future in MCU in Doubt!

A new rumor indicates that a number of the members of the Avengers cast are not happy with Captain Marvel actress Brie Larson. Not only does the rumor indicate that certain actors are not happy, but Disney CEO Bob Iger is not happy with Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige about the direction of Captain Marvel. In fact, the future of Captain Marvel might actually be in doubt.

The rumor comes from YouTuber Film Gob.

Film Gob indicates his source who has connections within Marvel and Disney told him that a number of the Avengers cast actors “are unhappy with Brie Larson being the face of the MCU going forward.”  He says his source names one actress. However, he doesn’t actually name the actress, but the video heavily implies that actress is Elizabeth Olsen, who plays Scarlet Witch, as the video zooms in on her as he discusses who is unhappy.

Film Gob adds that the Captain Marvel movie actually “proves these Avengers cast members correct that Brie Larson is not the right fit for this character, for this franchise, and that she is going to be found out when the movie is released.”

Not only does this rumor indicate that a number of Avengers cast members are not happy with Brie Larson, but Disney CEO Bob Iger is not happy with Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige because of the direction with Captain Marvel. He even states there “is no an uncertainty for Captain Marvel’s future in the MCU.”

Film Gob points to a tweet from Bob Iger that he would eventually delete that appears to be mocking Captain Marvel and the idea that Disney plans to put the character at the front of their brand.

Iger would write, “Fasten your seatbelts for a wild ride! #CapitaMarvel.” He would add, “I think we should build a Captain Marvel land and 50 Captain Marvel attractions, plus Captain Marvel Cruise Ships, hotels, restaurants and parades.”

Bob IGer

Cosmic Book News’ Matt McGloin thinks there could be something to this rumor writing, “Certainly, Bob Iger doesn’t want another “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” on Disney’s hands, which has caused fans to stop supporting Star Wars leading to Han Solo failing at the box office.”

An alleged Avengers: Endgame plot spoiler also points to Marvel and Disney’s uneasiness with Captain Marvel. Reddit user ImLeaking states, “The Russo Brothers and McFeely/Markus didn’t want to include Captain Marvel at all on Infinity War and on Endgame. They felt the story deserved to end up with the original characters, but Disney and Marvel Studios desperately wanted to introduce Carol Danvers on Avengers Infinity War. The idea was to later give her own origin movie boosted up by the Avengers.”

ImLeaking adds, “They excluded Captain Marvel from Infinity War but had to include the character on Endgame. Just to shut off this matter, the Captain Marvel rant we are seeing today was expected by Disney. Their social media numbers projected the CM movie to face challenges and they ordered from everyone involved to prepare for two cuts: one with the original CM plan, another cutting down the character’s participation in case Captain Marvel flops.”

They even point to conflicts between Brie Larson and Marvel Studios, “This created huge conflicts between Brie Larson’s agency and specially Marvel Studios. They went as far as to shoot some of the very same Captain Marvel action scenes with Captain America and Black Widow replacing the character in an attempt to keep the inflated budget down.”

They also described Larson’s behavior, “Brie Larson treats everyone well but she’s very contesting and she contested the hell out of this decision, until Marvel Studios was forced to shoot those scenes in different days, which resulted in more spending.”

Captain Marvel has faced significant controversy in Disney’s promotion of the film especially promotion done by Brie Larson and her comments on white males. She would clarify those comments saying she wants “to bring more seats up to the table.”

She’s also stated “that was the patriarchy that was ringing on my parade,” in an interview with InStyle. She’s also gone out of her to way to politicize the film saying Marvel Studios approached her to make Captain Marvel a “big feminist movie.” She’s also stated the movie is her “form of activism.” Most recently she described the film as about “intersectional feminism.” She would go on to address the smiling controversy after the first trailer was released describing it as a “depiction of the female experience.”

Larson isn’t the only one adding to the problems mounting for Captain Marvel. Samuel L. Jackson recently stated that President Trump has a “big plantation” insinuating the president is a racist.

What do you make of this rumor? Do you think other members of the Avengers cast are unhappy with Brie Larson? Do you think Disney CEO Bob Iger isn’t feeling Feige’s direction with the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

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