Flashback: Brie Larson Thought Captain Marvel Was a Man – She Wasn’t Wrong

Brie Larson, who will play Carol Danvers in Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel, had no idea who the character was just a little less than three years ago.

Larson was reportedly in talks to play Captain Marvel the first of June in 2016.

However, in an interview with MTV International posted to YouTube just a day after on June 2nd, Larson had no idea who Captain Marvel was.

When Larson was informed that some fans wanted her to play Captain Marvel, Larson questioned, “Isn’t that a boy?” When the interviewer explained Captain Marvel would be the first female led Marvel Cinematic Universe film, Larson again questioned, “So would I be playing a man?” She would continue, “This is interesting I’m kind of into it. I thought I was always forever going to be stuck playing female roles. I’m down to play Chris Evans. Oh wait, Chris Evans is Captain America. Who is Captain Marvel?”

Larson would then add, “I have no idea what I’m talking about. Great, but people want me to play this. I guess I’ve got to start reading the comic book.”

The old interview flies in the face of a recent interview with Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige who stated that Brie Larson was a “huge fan of the character in the comic.”

YouTube channel Comic Movie Marks puts the interviews side by side. You might have a hard time not laughing.

As for Larson’s idea that Captain Marvel was a man, she’s not wrong. Captain Marvel, who now goes by Shazam, in DC Comics is a man and he will make his big screen debut in about a month.

The original Captain Marvel in Marvel Comics was also a male. It was the Kree hero Mar-Vell, who was instrumental in Carol gaining her powers as he uses his body to shield her as the Psyche-Magnitron explodes.

It doesn’t really surprise me that Larson would not know who Captain Marvel is. While Carol Danvers has been around for quite a bit, her stint as Captain Marvel is relatively new, only beginning in 2012. However, it appears she has brushed up on the comics and done some research on the character given her statements in recent interviews. Kudos to her for that.

What do you make of this old interview? What do you make of Feige stating Larson was a huge fan of Captain Marvel?

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