UPDATE: Facebook Restores Bounding Into Comics 250k+ Strong Fan Page

Facebook restored the 250k+ strong Bounding Into Comics fan page late at night.

The page was restored around 10:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday, May 8th. However, while the page was restored, we still have not received any communication from Facebook indicating why the page was taken down in the first place.

Upon a brief look at the page, no content appears to have actually been removed. In fact, the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer article is currently the last post on the page.

We are still reaching out to Facebook to try to get an explanation of why the page was actually removed.

In the meantime, we still implore you to sign-up for our Email Newsletter. Facebook and other social media companies cannot deplatform our newsletter. It’s the best way for us to keep in touch with all of you!

Sign up here.

We also plan to continue to grow our social media presence on MeWe. You can join our group here. And follow the Bounding Into Comics page here.

Along with MeWe, we will also continue to post to Gab. You can follow us on Gab here.

We will continue to maintain our presence on Twitter as well. Follow us here.

We also want to thank everyone who supported us and followed us to MeWe and Gab and signed up for our newsletter. I was deeply humbled by the outpouring of support. Our readers and fans are truly the best.

With that being said, I also want to shout out some folks who really helped us get the word out that Facebook had shut down our page.

Thank you One Angry Gamer!

Thank You Reclaim The Net!

Thank you Critical Blast!

Thank you Mike Cernovich!

Thank you Doug Ernst!

Thank you Jack Posobiec!

Thank you Jeremy at Geeks and Gamers!

Thank you Ethan Van Sciver!

Thank you Indie Comics Showcase!

Thank you Gab!

Thank you Emily Zanotti!

Thank you Christian Toto!

Thank you Jacob Airey!

Thank you Bleeding Fool and Jeremy Lott!

Thank you Bleeding Fool and Alberto Martinez!

Thank you Chuck Dixon!

Thank you YellowFlash!

Thank you That Umbrella Guy!

Thank you Gary Buechler at Nerdrotic!

Thank you Tim Pool!

Thank you Vox Day!

I’m sure there are a ton of other people who aren’t listed here. I want to thank you as well for your support!

We will continue to deliver to you our extensive coverage of culture – from nerd culture to pop culture and everything in between. Our team will report the facts, offer candid opinions, and not cow to attempted censorship.

Once again, thank you! Also sign-up for our email newsletter!

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