Ron Toye’s Involvement in Kamehacon’s Initial Removal of Vic Mignogna Detailed in Recently Revealed Text Messages
A series of text messages between Ron Toye and a representative for Kamehacon has revealed the role Toye played in the inital removal of Dragon Ball Super: Broly voice actor Vic Mignogna as a guest at the recently held Kamehacon 2019.
The text messages were revealed on May 15th during a livestream hosted by attorney and legal YouTuber Nick Rekieta and joined by the Owner and Founder of Anime Outsiders, Cody Baier. During the livestream, the two shared the alleged text messages with their audience as they discussed the content and implications of said messages:
The chain of texts was started on January 10th by a self-identifying Toye, who reached out to a Kamehacon Rep to inquire about the potential of securing a vendor booth at the then-upcoming Kamehacon 2019:
Toye: Hey bud, sorry my schedule is insane. I am sure it’s too late to sponsor the event but I wanted to see if there is a possibility of having a vendor booth? Sizeable section. 🙂 could we do a call or an online meeting? I would have my business partner on the call so there wouldn’t be delays in communication. Also, this is Ron Toye if my number isn’t saved in your phone 🙂
Kamehacon Rep [KR]: All good man! We are actually just wrapping up our sponsor pushes. So you still have time there. Plus if you are wanting to set up something promotional it would need to be done in that format vs being on the floor with dragon ball merch. We have a packet for it I can send over, I think we can make it worth the time for you and your partners. Whens [sp] a good time to talk?
Toye: Yes 🙂 that sounds great. Let me talk with Andy. I am good for a call at 7-8pm today but I would like to get us all on a call together. He is in a meeting but I will shoot you the times once I get with him but for sure I am good at 7-8 today if you are available
Toye: Sorry about missing the call I had a client whose had an issue with their closing and the realtor was blowing me up. I am meeting with Andy at 5 and I will update you soon. My email is [redacted] if you would like to email me the packages 🙂
KR: Will do
The Kamehacon representative would be met with two weeks of silence from Toye, prompting the representative to reach out again to Toye about the potential vendor booth on January 22nd. Toye would respond by voicing his concern regarding Mignogna’s attendance and indicating that he may be unable to sponsor Kamehacon due to Mignogna’s presence:
KR: Hey wondering how the meeting went. Was kind of waiting to send that over til you got a confirm. Let me know! Thanks!
Toye: Sorry about that. It’s been intense here. Also, with the Vic thing we might not be able to sponsor this year with him being a guest. I will get everything lined up and keep you posted. Because we want to work with you either now or in the future we just need to make sure we don’t get caught up in a mess when all this goes down with him.
Toye would then inform the Kamehacon representative of the allegations against Mignogna in an alleged attempt to further convince Kamehacon to drop Mignogna. The representative responded by indicating that the convention would be honoring Mignogna’s contract, though he could be removed from attendance due to the allegations and victims’ statements:
KR: So you are saying the internet her say [sp] is causing you to with hold [sp] sponsorship? Just what [sp] to be clear.
Toye: It’s not just the internet. He assaulted 3 close friends of mine and 1 additional person that’s even closer but I can’t say much because here [sp] is an investigation going on. This will get ugly so we are talking with our legal team to see if there could be any fall out if we are sponsoring an event with him in attendance.
KR: And by it “all goes down” is there something I should know?
Toye: They came forward
KR: I can you now [sp], based on our contracts. If he has people step forward and/or charges he will be dropped.
Toye: All I can say is there is an active investigation going on but just know 3 very very close friends of mine and Monica came forward and the last person, I will let her speak for herself but it’s legit. Not trying to cause drama but just wanted to let you know where we stand
Toye: Don’t say anything please, but one of those who are coming forward is Monica. She was uneasy being there with him but wouldn’t let the fans down but her agents are contacting all cons they are booked at and letting them know she won’t be there if he is. The other another voice actors girlfriend, and the two twins who lived with me.
Toye: Cons have already started backing out.
KR: Which shows.
Toye: He doesn’t know who is coming to the front with these issues but that’s why I need you not to say anything because it can hurt Sony’s investigation and the legal investigation.
Toye: I will get a list for you.
According to Toye, Dragon Ball Super voice actor Monica Rial and her agents stated to various conventions that “she won’t be there if he is.” Yet, in the case of Kamehacon, Mignogna was announced as a guest as early as two months prior to the announcement that Rial would also make an appearance as a special guest. If Rial’s contract was finalized after Mignogna’s, it appears unlikely that Rial would have been ignorant of Mignogna’s attendance.

It is also important to note that while Toye asks for the representative to “not to say anything because it can hurt Sony’s investigation and the legal investigation,” the only reported entity that launched an investigation into Mignogna’s alleged behavior was Sony/Funimation, which resulted in Mignogna’s replacement in Morose Monokean and an end to the relationship between Funimation and Mignogna. No criminal investigation has ever been opened into the allegations facing Mignogna.
As the conversation continues, the representative clarifies that any action taken against Mignogna’s attendance could open up Kamehacon to potential legal troubles, to which Toye advises the representative that this “stuff will probably pop” before the convention takes place:
KR: Please do. From a legal stand point I can be sued without probably conduct of legal issues.
KR: Probable*
Toye: Makes sense. I will. We have time before your con it’s coming quick but this stuff will probably pop before.
Toye: Most of the assaults happened at conventions.
The representative then asks to speak to Rial off the record in an effort to speak directly with and address the concerns of one of their featured guests. However, Toye informs the representative that Rial is unaware of Toye reaching out to Kamehacon, and asks the convention to not reveal their secretive conversation to Rial:
KR: Is there a way Monica can speak with me off record? She gave me her number, but if she has concerns is love to address them trust me we won’t be standing idle
KR: I’d*
KR: Aside from that, I wouldn’t let that stop you from reaching our market or utilizing our reach. Once all that comes out, he will be removed without hesitation. On top of that we are on a deadline to push promotion. So when you meet with your team let them know that.
Toye: Wait on her. I will ask her to reach out to you. She doesn’t know I told you anything.
Toye: Excellent. That helps. 🙂 I will talk to Monica tonight and set up a call. I will let her know I talked with you about sponsoring the event and my concerns with Vic. She will more than likely bring up the actual documented cases naturally, just please don’t let her know I told you without her permission. 🙂 you guys are awesome and this year is going to be amazing!
KR: Not a problem. And thanks! The last thing we’d want is anyone feeling uncomfortable at an event we hold, that goes from talent to the attendees. I do very much appreciate you letting me know, and I’ll be sure to have fresh ears during our conversation about the topic. Thanks Ron!
A week later, the Kamehcon representative would reach out to Toye to inform him that Mignogna had, at the time, been removed from the guest list for Kamehacon 2019. Toye thanks the representative and reaffirms his earlier claims that Mignogna was a true predator:
KR: Hey! So currently Vic is not attending. Can you have Monica call me if possible? Thank you.
Toye: I can call tomorrow. She is in Houston recording. You made the right call not having him out.
KR: Based on what we’ve seen we think so. Our decision was based on the potential of his past victims being Vas. We are also taking a ton of heat so I just want to make sure those allegations you brought to me are seriously being acted upon.
Toye: I promise it’s true. VAs and staff. I will see if Ian would feel comfortable telling you his story of someone extremely close to him getting assaulted by Vic
KR: I don’t doubt it at all, just makes it easier when the voices are louder. Especially for these young women who are stepping up. People think this guy is a hero.
KR: Again thank you for all your help with this and being open in sharing. It’s certainly a big deal in my eyes you were willing to reach out.
Toye: You’re welcome. I know it is tough but he is a predator. He can be really nice at times but when he gets upset he can be a terror and the other obvious thing is the sexual harassment stuff
With the public revelation of these text messages, some fans believe it appears possible that Toye did commit the tortious interference alleged by Mignogna in his lawsuit against Funimation, Rial, Toye, and fellow Dragon Ball Super voice actor Jamie Marchi. According to the SMU Dedman School of Law, the elements compromising a tortious interference include:
(1) the existence of a contract, (2) a willful and intentional act of interference, (3) proximate causation, and (4) actual damage or loss to the plaintiff.
According to these messages, a contract existed between Kamehacon and Mignogna regarding Mignogna’s guest appearance at Kamehacon, Toye voiced his concerns to Kamehacon in an effort to have Mignogna removed from the convention, and a discussion between Toye and the representative led to Kamehacon dropping Mignogna, resulting in the loss of any compensation he would have received as a result of his appearance. However, whether these actions legally constitute tortious interference is a matter to be decided by a court of law.
**Editor’s Note: A previous version of this article identified the Ian referred to by Toye as Ian Sinclair. However, as this is unconfirmed and was erroneously included, the identification has been removed.**
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