First Star Trek: Picard Teaser Trailer Reveals The Admiral “Led Us Out of Darkness”

The first teaser for the much anticipated Star Trek: Picard was dropped today, and the Trekverse is on fire!

Sir Patrick Stewart released the minute-long teaser via his Twitter page with tag line, “The end is only the beginning.”

The voice over follows:

“Fifteen years ago, today, you led us out of the darkness. You commanded the greatest rescue armada in history. …Then, the unimaginable. What did that cost you? Your faith? Your faith in us? Your faith in yourself? Tell us. Why did you leave Starfleet, Admiral?”

As you’d expect the teaser wasn’t packing a whole lot of information up front.

That is to be expected since Star Trek: Picard will be the first time the franchise has moved forward in its timeline since the events of J.J. Abram’s Star Trek where Admiral Spock attempted to save Romulus from a supernova.

But one thing is clear, for fans of the great commander, this teaser packs a punch.

At the beginning of the teaser, we find ourselves back to the French countryside at Picard’s family vineyard.

This fact is made very clear by both the full case of Chateau Picard wine and the fields at the opening.

For those who don’t remember, this was a place that Jean-Luc retreated to after the events of [easyazon_link identifier=”B00BAXTY8U” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Best of Both Worlds[/easyazon_link]. During the “Best of Both Worlds,” Picard was assimilated into the Borg collective. It was a traumatic event that left him scarred due to the lives lost at his hands.

In the episode titled “Family,” Picard confronts the guilt he feels for unwillingly helping the Borg murder thousands. He also reconnects with his estranged brother.

As the unnamed and unseen woman addresses Admiral Jea-Luc Picard, it appears, based on her tone, he is being recalled back into service. For what reason is currently unknown.

While addressing the aged Starfleet officer, the unknown female makes it clear that it has  has been about 15 years since The Next Generation. Hints of why Picard is no longer in Star Fleet are peppered into the teaser.

One thing that is noted is a massive rescue armada and the events of the said mission had something to do with Picard leaving Starfleet. A decision that is unlikely to have been taken lightly as fans know Picard had chosen his career as an officer of Starfleet over many other life goals such as starting his own family.

Since we know there is a connection between the Abrams Star Trek movies and this show, its likely that the Armada was sent to Romulus to rescue Romulan citizens from their impending doom.

If they were to tie in the JJ-Verse and Alpha timeline this would be a logical place.

It would make sense that Starfleet would have a hand in a major rescue mission because after the events of both the Dominion War and Nemesis, the Republic was left in a greatly weakened state. It’s likely that their ability to field a sizable force to move large swaths of people from an entire planet would be impossible without outside help

For many like myself, any thought of Star Trek: Picard connected with “Nu-Trek” is a fantasy we wished to come true. But it was to be expected that there would be a tie in between the franchise universes. So is this a good way of doing it? Honestly, I don’t know, but I’m still skeptical due to what we were given with Star Trek: Discovery.

This teaser gave me some great hope, but due to the last few years of Star Trek, I’m very concerned about how this will turn out. I for one will give Star Trek: Picard a shot.

Star Trek: Picard will begin streaming on CBS All Access some time at the end of 2019.


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