X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants That Have Gone Through The Resurrection Protocols

The Krakoan Resurrection Protocols aren’t even a year old, yet already we’ve seen scores of mutants brought back to life through the process – some more than once! However, not everyone is the same. Some mutants are definitely more important than others, and that’s exactly what we’re talking about today. Here are the ten most important mutants who’ve been resurrected thus far!

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

10. Wolverine

I know it’s funny to see Wolverine at the bottom of any X-Men list – but he isn’t all that essential to the survival of Krakoa or the mutant species as a whole. Wolverine’s only been back among the living a short time, but when a job needed doing – he stepped up.

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

Wolverine sacrificed himself during the mission to dispatch the ‘Mother Mold’– a sentient, Master Mold producing machine. Despite having to endure the agony of his body being burned off of his adamantium skeleton by the Sun – Wolverine successfully destroyed the harness which held the Mother Mold in place.

9. Magik

The character with the second most deaths on this list – Illyana Rasputin is officially on her third go at life. After being taken prisoner by U.S. forces and experimented on with the transmode virus – Magik and several members of the New Mutants (and Strong Guy) were eventually rescued by Cyclops and Wolverine. Both of which had just recently been revived themselves.

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

Magik, the New Mutants, the two veteran X-Men – and several others like Multiple Man and Havok – carried on the X-Men name while most of them were either dead or locked inside the Age of X-Man.

Fast-forward to the final battle between the revamped X-Men and a renegade U.S. Army General – Magik was killed by a device that had been implanted inside of her during her imprisonment.

8. Cyclops

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

Scott ‘Slim’ Summers has been the anchor of the X-Men since the very beginning. He’s time and time again put it all on the line for his friends and family – which is what led to his previous death via Terrigen Mist. Since being revived by stolen Phoenix Force power, Cyclops has ascended to the rank of Captain Commander within Krakoa’s government.

Like half this list, Cyclops died millions of miles from home during an op – led by him – to destroy the Mother Mold. After the machine sank into the Sun, Cyclops found himself defenseless and at the mercy of a gun-toting woman who blamed him for the very recent death of her husband… man, she shot buddy in the face.

7. Mystique

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

Mystique makes this list simply due to her stature and rank within Krakoa’s government – a member of the Quiet Council. But if I ignore that her efforts are what led to her death – I’d be remiss. Under orders of Xavier and Magneto – Mystique, Sabretooth, and Toad infiltrated an installation and stole key information that led to the discovery of the Mother Mold.

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Not afraid of taking a hit, Mystique agreed to join the strike team tasked with destroying the giant Sentinel producing machine. Though her powers allowed her to easily gain access to her target – Mystique was blown into space before she could accomplish her goal.

6. Nightcrawler

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

You might find it odd that of the twelve selected members of the Quiet Council – only four of them are regular X-Men. Those X-Men chosen were Jean Grey, Storm, Kitty Pryde, and Nightcrawler. Not a huge number, but if they all agree on a matter, they do hold ¼ control over Council decisions.

Since his debut, Nightcrawler has been the heart of the X-Men. He’s honorable, gentle, and selfless. As a member of the strike team that took on Orchis in House of X – after his mother (Mystique) failed in her task – it was left to him to put Wolverine in play. Nightcrawler died instantly. Wolverine survived long enough to finish the job.

5. Apocalypse

Even though mutants have obtained a measure of immortality (how their souls are moved back and forth is still up in the air), I don’t think death is taken any lighter now, than it was before. No one wants to die. Unless your bat $%## crazy like Apocalypse.

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

In Excalibur, the Quiet Council member explored the mystic-side of things, alongside a team of X-Men.  In hopes of completing a ritual, Apocalypse baited and allowed Rogue to not just beat him – but kill him. He did this knowing he’d return through the Protocols – which he did. However, upon awakening, he was berated by Xavier for using the process in such a manner.

4. Synch

Mostly because of his flexible powerset, Everette “Synch” Thomas was one of the first mutants to go through the Resurrection Protocols. This was done with the hope that he’d be able to substitute for a member of The Five, in case one of them were incapacitated.

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

Though this proved unnecessary, Synch was still able to be used as an example. Synch was among those that were gone the longest. Having the opportunity to observe how he adjusted to the world after being absent from it for so long, taught Dr. Reyes and others how to handle future resurrections.

3. Proteus

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

The infinitely powerful mutant son of Moira MacTaggert, Proteus, has been an enemy of the X-Men – and everyone around him – since the ‘80s. His body is composed of erratic psionic energy. The form grants him access to many abilities including; virtual immortality, telepathy, and most impressively, the ability to rearrange matter.

What makes Proteus so volatile is his need to possess a flesh and blood vessel – something he burns through quite rapidly. Proteus may not have been brought back from the dead, but the process is partially utilized to provide him with a freshly-cloned body. Without him, there is no Resurrection Protocol.

2. Jean Grey

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

I’ve said it before; no one dies better than Jean Grey. She once again proved that last summer in House of X #4, but she didn’t die alone this time. Jean was chosen to be a member of the strike team Cyclops gathered to address the imminent activation of the Mother Mold.

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

The team was successful, but it came at the cost of everyone’s life. Jean’s importance to Krakoa runs deeper than most. A large piece of the Protocols is the installation of a person’s mind into their new body. If anything were to happen to Xavier, and he was not able to perform this task, it’d ultimately fall to Jean.

1. Professor-X

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

Possibly the second most important architect of the Krakoan nation – Professor X is almost as important to the Resurrection Protocols as any singular member of The Five. He’s seen constantly wearing a Cerebro helmet to ensure that mutant minds are being actively backed up in case they need to go through the Protocols.

X-Men: 10 Most Important Mutants that Have gone through the Resurrection Protocols

Though Jean is skilled enough to perform the task – Xavier is the best equipped. Like Proteus, Xavier used a portion of the process to provide him with a new body following his possession of Fantomex (long story). He later underwent the complete Resurrection Protocol after being assassinated.

Born and raised in Miami, Florida, Phillip is the first-generation American son of a Jamaican mother and a Bahamian ... More about Phillip Pratt
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