Warner Bros. Tweets Credit To 2D Animators For Work On Space Jam: A New Legacy After Omitting Names From Theatrical Release

After failing to name them in the film’s closing credits, Warner Bros. has finally credited the 2D animators who provided their talents to Space Jam: A New Legacy, albeit in a singular tweet made two weeks after its release.

On July 30th, Warner Bros took to the official Space Jam twitter account “to thank the amazing artists and collaborators that made the 2D animation on Space Jam: A New Legacy,” providing four separate ‘credit’ images bearing the names of the previously neglected artists.
“Your commitment to creativity and tireless dedication brought our beloved characters to life,” Warner Bros. concluded. And we are proud to share them with audiences everywhere.”

The names of the animators, who were unjustly ignored by Warner Bros., are as follows (in order as listed by Warner Bros. in their tweet):
Troy Nethercott
Spike Brandt
Devin Crane
Scott F. Johnston
Chris Cartagena
Katrina Beshears
Alonzo Ruvalcaba
Alex Orrelle
Brian Woods
Lorenzo Martinez
Elizabeth Watasin
Tracy Lee
Mary Sheridan
Phillip Vigil
Sarah-Jane King
Rhonda Hicks
Glo Minaya
Garrett Broussard
Rebecca Cho

Aidan Terry
Alex Cho
Allen Blyth
Amos Sussigan
Andrés Corretje
Angela Demirai
Anh Nguyen
Antonio De Luca
Aya Peard
Betty Sourigues
Bobbies Lucas
Borja Montoro
Brandon Coulter
Brett Hardin
Brett Harding
Casey Lowe
Cecilia Petrucci
Chloe Look
Christina Halstead
Chrystal Li
Collette Sunderman
Colton Stickney
Connie Nartonis Thompson
Courtney Madincea
Craig Berry
Dan Haskett
Dan Larsen
Dan Unser
Daniel Gonzalez
Darlie Brewster
Dave Alvarez
Dave Scarpitti
David James
David Mendel
Debra Armstrong
Debra Blanchard Knight
Delia Gosman
Dietz Ichishita
Doug Hogan
Doug Ninnemann
Doug Walker
Eden Sanders
Edward Schuerman
Eric Clark
Eric Wolford
Erik Lechtenberd
Filza Khan
Frederick Gardener

Gabrielle Hamilton
Greg Manwaring
Guerdon Trueblood
Heather Lee
Helen Michael
Imran J. Khan
Jake Vacek
Jan Naylor
Jane Cohen
Jared Beckstrand
Jarret Ballard
Jasminne Young
Jason Norton
Jason Plapp
Jayee Borcar
Jeff Biancalana
Jessica Mejia
Jim Kammerud
Joe Haidar
Joel Parod
John Dusenberry
John McDaniel
Jon McClenahan
Jose Ricardo Chucky Do Nasciamento
Jose Rovirosa
Josh Lierberman
Julie Lee
Kathy Cavaiola
Kelly Snyder
Kimberly Pan Huang
Kristen Murtha
Larry Leker
Laura Forst
Lawrence Gan
Leah Coleman
Leif Green
Lika Leong
Linden Johnson
Liza Dodson
Logan Knight
Marisa Thomas
Masa Oshiro
Matt Rampias
Matthew Kulewicz
Matthew Resta
Matthew Willames
Maureen O’Reilly
Maya Zapata
Michael Nahem
Michelle Kim

Mick DeFalco
Mike Smith
Mira Takamura
Moroni Taylor
Neal Sternecky
Nickolas Stevens
Noelle Raffaele
Noelleen Westcombe
Nora Earlie
Olivia Asis
Ovi Nedelcu
Ozzie Carmona
Randy Gaul
Ray Morales
Ray Nadeau
Robert Fletcher
Robert Sledge
Roy Sanuta
Rubén Procopio
Sahin Ersoz
Salvatore Valone
Samuel Michalp
Sandro Cluezo
Sarah Arakaki
Sergio Mancinelli
Shannon Dingle
Shant Sherian
Shawn Keller
Stan Seo
Stephen Nicodemus
Steve Fonti
Steve Gordon
Stuart Cripps
Stuart Lowder
Taha Neyestani
Terry Han
Tianyi Han
Todd Jacobsen
Tom Bancroft
Tony Bancroft
Tony Cervone
Tony Siruno
Trevor Tamboline
Vadmi Bazhanov
Veronica Rosser
Wes Sullivan
Will Bilton
Wynton Payne
With special thanks to Fuse and Cloud 10 Studios

Warner Bros. failure to credit the film’s 2D animators was first brought to widespread attention on July 17th, when established Looney Tunes animator David Alvarez shockingly informed his Twitter followers, “Last night me and my family sat down to watch Space Jam. My kids were excited to see the movie that ‘dad help make’ only to find out that…my name was omitted from the final credits.”
Following this tweet, the hashtag #CreditDave soon began circulating across social media, as users across various platforms called on Warner Bros. to properly credit Alvarez, largely unaware that the studio’s failure to credit their animators extended past one localized incident.

Unsurprisingly, though they outright paid no mind to their traditional 2D animators, Warner Bros. credited each of Space Jam: A New Legacy’s respective digital effects artists – a section of credits which runs for a lengthy total of :45 seconds during the film’s ending cards.
What do you make of Warner Bros.’ (frankly insulting) attempt to retroactively credit Space Jam: A New Legacy’s 2D animators? Let us know your thoughts on social media or in the comments down below!
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