After Encouraging People To Harass Percy Jackson Fans, Becky Riordan Participates In Pro-Murder Rally

Becky Riordan, the wife of Percy Jackson and the Olympians novelist Rick Riordan, recently shared her participation in a pro-murder rally after she encouraged individuals to harass Percy Jackson fans who disagree with the race swapping of Grover Underwood and Annabeth Chase in the upcoming Disney+ series.

Riordan previously described those who did not like the race swapping of Grover Underwood and Annabeth Chase as engaging in demagoguery.
She wrote on Twitter, “A while back you (the fans) and I agreed to make these handles as kid friendly safe places as possible. We give no room to demagoguery.”
“We focus on the positive, We are supportive and uplifting. We encourage fans to not give space to hate speech veiled or blatant. #DoNotTweetHate”

Her rhetoric would quickly become more extreme escalating into calling fans “haters.”
She wrote, “I will also tell you something I know is a fact. Rick’s books open people’s minds. We get letters all the time that tell us this. Our TV show can do the same.”
Riordan added, “Yelling at haters will get us no where. Do not give their hate fires oxygen. #DoNotTweetHate”

Despite claiming that yelling at so-called “haters” would get her nowhere, she then described people who did not like the race swapping as both misogynists and racists.
“Demagoguery is a good word to know. Do we need to have a talk about the intersectionality of misogyny and racism? Misogyny is equally a problem here. We condemn both,” she tweeted.
“Getting yelled at? Annabeth doesn’t belong to you. She never did. Leave Leah alone,” Riordan added.

She made it explicit in a follow-up tweet where she stated, “Most of the haters don’t know they are misogynistic and or racist so you won’t be able to convince them that they are wrong.”
Riordan continued, “The one thing you can do? Many of you are already doing it! SING Leah’s praises. Shout your approval of Leah worldwide! Create art in her honor. Celebrate!”

RELATED: Becky Riordan Encourages Harassment Of Percy Jackson Fans, Doubles Down On Calling Fans Racists
She then encouraged fans to harass these individuals she had previously attacked tweeting, “They sure as heck should know now! You all are giving them a good what for!”

Now, Riordan shared photos from her participation in a pro-murder rally disguised as a human rights rally.
She wrote on May 14th, “Got there a bit too early. #BansOffOurBodies Boston Common Bandstand 12PM May 14, 2022.”

She followed that up sharing a poster she saw that reads, “As a girl I hope on day I have as many rights as a gun.”

She then shared another photo with a sign that reads “Abortion rights are trans + BIPIC rights.” There are also a number of posters of women with bullseyes over their stomachs and arrows striking them.

Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, made it abundantly clear that abortion is murder in an interview about the subject in September 2021.
The Pope declared, “The second problem, that of abortion: it’s more than a problem, it’s homicide, whoever has an abortion, kills. No mincing words.”
He continued, “Take any book on embryology for medical students. The third week after conception, all the organs are already there, even the DNA… it is a human life, this human life must be respected, this principle is so clear!”

The Pope then posited a question for people like Becky Riordan, “To those who cannot understand, I would ask this question: Is it right to kill a human life to solve a problem? Is it right to hire a hitman to kill a human life? Scientifically, it is a human life. Is it right to take it out to solve a problem?”
He then detailed, “That is why the Church is so harsh on this issue, because if it accepts this, it is as if it accepts daily murder.”
“A Head of State told me that the demographic decline began because in those years there was such a strong law on abortion that six million abortions were performed and this left a decline in births in the society of that country,” Pope Francis said.

What do you make of Riordan’s participation in this pro-murder rally?