Former Disney Star Vanessa Hudgens Promotes Satanic Witchcraft With Her Upcoming Tubi Reality Film ‘Dead Hot’

Former Disney star Vanessa Hudgens is currently promoting her upcoming film, Dead Hot, on the free content platform Tubi. The reality TV film is about something that is being described as a passion project for her…witchcraft.

Hudgens, who got her big break in Hollywood with Disney’s High School Musical franchise, provided more details on the made for TV film which also features GG Margee and follows the two as they make a “spiritual journey” to Salem, Massachusetts to explore witchcraft, ghost hunting, and connecting with spirits.
In an interview with Variety, Hudgens told the outlet that Satanic Witchcraft is something that she has been doing for years and that this is something she is truly passion about.
“It was a lot more personal than anything I’ve ever done. I’m not hiding behind a character as I normally do in films — this is me, exploring something that I am very passionate about,” Hudgens said.

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She went on to reveal that her goal for the film is to inspire other people to pursue witchcraft and dark arts by “opening their souls”
“I knew it would be extremely personal, and I would be sticking my neck out doing so,” she relayed. “But I’m hoping that it makes other curious people out there to be inspired to open their hearts, minds and soul. Trust their intuition and find a bit more peace in the unknown.”

Hudgens and Magree admit that both of them have been experimenting with witchcraft and have been connecting with the spirit world for most of their lives. Hudgens went so far as to admit that she organized Satanic rituals with group online.
“During 2020, I think we were all looking for ways to better ourselves, to grow and come out of it as better people. I really started to lean into rituals and manifestation. I was actually leading little coven meetings over Zoom with a few other witchy friends. It was such an uplifting community and it had me even more curious about witchcraft. The exploration seemed like a special thing to document and share,” she revealed.

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Magree would go on to note their Satanic witchcraft practices have a “stigma” and they even changed how they filmed the movie after what Variety claims was a ghost hunt that went awry.
“The stigma is quite serious, so we wanted to approach it more in like a friendship and in a light way for people like us that are self-taught,” Magree said.
Julie Pizzi, the president of Bunim-Murray Productions, who is responsible for shows such as Keeping Up With The Kardashians and Project Runway, and the producer on Dead Hot defended the project claiming the girls “really wanted to live in this space of growth, positivity, love and kindness.” She added, “To marry that with ghost hunting felt very magical.”
Executive producer Farnaz Farjam also affirmed the show. She said, “We knew that the way they approached witchcraft was very healthy and positive. We didn’t hinder them or ask them to do anything in any other kind of way than in the way they would normally approach it themselves.”

The production also tapped Shark Tank producer Leslie Garvin, who claims to have been in contact with the deceased since she was eight years old.
Farjam noted Garvin was brought in because they “needed somebody with the gift to be with us, to help guide this.”
Garvin made clear she wasn’t just a guide to the Satanic, but she wants the film to make clear “the time is now for women to step into their power and to use their voices.”

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Hudgens did share a message to anyone who might be critical of the show’s glorification of the Satanic and witchcraft.
“I think when you’re doing something against the grain there will always be some sort of pushback, but the overall message is so empowering that hopefully — skeptic or not — you can walk away feeling a bit more in your own power,” she declared.
The problem is witchcraft is not “empowering,” it is demonic and a direct offense against God.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 (NKJV) directly forbids the practice of witchcraft. It states, “There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer.”
It adds, “For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you.”

What Vanessa Hudgens and the producers of this film call ’empowering,” especially for women is actually a rebellion against God.
Hudgens is seeking to lead foolish women into the occult under the guise of spiritual enlightenment by talking with the dead, but it will only lead them to demonic possession and torment.
Hollywood has long been accused of promoting Satanic practices and behaviors that are in direct rebellion against God and films like Dead Hot that are promoted by major production companies show that they are no longer interested in keeping their masks on.
As our society continues to crumble, it’s agenda against God becomes vividly clear to the point that not even non-believers can claim to be blind to it.

What are your thoughts of Vanessa Hudgens Satanic Tubi film? And everyday we stray further from God.
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