‘The Acolyte’ To Reportedly “Lose Everyone” After Third Episode: “Get Ready For Pronouns In Star Wars”

Mae (Amandla Stenberg) is on the trail of her next target in The Acolyte (2024), Disney
Mae (Amandla Stenberg) is on the trail of her next target in The Acolyte (2024), Disney

According to a new report, while the two-part premiere of Leslye Headland’s The Acolyte will come across as ‘inoffensive’ to long-time Star Wars fans, the series’ third episode will “lose everyone” thanks to some truly abysmal creative decisions.

Yord Fandar (Charlie Barnett), Jecki Lon (Dafne Keen) and Master Sol (Lee Jung-jae) lead a band of Jedi into battle in The Acolyte (2024), Disney
Yord Fandar (Charlie Barnett), Jecki Lon (Dafne Keen) and Master Sol (Lee Jung-jae) lead a band of Jedi into battle in The Acolyte (2024), Disney

RELATED: Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy Says She Told ‘The Acolyte’ Creator “You’ve Written A Great Star Wars Show, Now Go Write A Leslye Headland Show”

Word of The Acolyte‘s forthcoming shark-jumping was first raised to the public courtesy of noted film critic and Film Threat founder Chris Gore during a June 4th appearance on the Geek+Gamers new outlet’s daily livestream.

The Most HATED Disney Star Wars Show Is Almost Here, The Acolyte Set To DESTROY The Force

[Time Stamp: 00:39:42]

In light of his having previewed the series’ first four episodes, Gore was pressed by his fellow panelists – G+G founder Jeremy Griggs and noted YouTube personalities Ryan Kinel and The Critical Drinker – if he could offer any insight as to just what viewers could expect from the series.

In turn, he unfortunately asserted, “These first two episodes are pretty basic. They get you into the story and the world. Episode three, I’m warning you now, it is going to completely lose everyone.”

Mae (Amandla Stenberg) is no match for Sol (Lee Jung-jae) in The Acolyte (2024), Disney
Mae (Amandla Stenberg) is no match for Sol (Lee Jung-jae) in The Acolyte (2024), Disney

RELATED: Lucasfilm Boss Kathleen Kennedy Defends ‘The Acolyte’, Says Star Wars’ Female Cast And Crew Face Unfair Criticism “Because Of The Fan Base Being So Male Dominated”

“They completely redefine what the Force is,” detailed Gore. “You’re going to see two mothers conceive twins. A bunch of witches that are – it is, basically, the Jedi turn into cops and Child Protective Services. It’s like the CPS of the galaxy.”

Once again reiterating, “Okay, episode one and two, whatever, it’s fine,” the critic then revealed, “[But] Three and four, get ready for pronouns in Star Wars.”

“It’s happening,” he added. “I’m literally considering having a funeral for Star Wars. Literally, get everyone to dress up, wear dark glasses, give eulogies, play organ church music in the background because after episode three of The Acolyte, it will cause a lot of discussion.”

Mae (Amandla Stenberg) comes face-to-face with one of the universe's first Sith in The Acolyte (2024), Disney
Mae (Amandla Stenberg) comes face-to-face with one of the universe’s first Sith in The Acolyte (2024), Disney

Continuing in his criticisms of the series, Gore opined, “Aside from the fact that the show is cheap looking – For all the money they spent it looks cheap. The exterior scenes in forest [look] shot on a sound stage. It looks very, very obvious. – It lacks male energy.”

“I don’t think any straight man should be in charge of a women’s cosmetics brand or a women’s fashion brand, and by that same idea, I think that the women who put together the show cannot make Star Wars for the audience that has loved it for years,” he lamented. “It is just devoid of everything you used to love. Not even shreds.”

(To this end, later in the show, Gore would further note that “The white guys [in the show] are all sidelined or weak.)

Mae (Amandla Stenberg) prepares to defend herself from Sol (Lee Jung-jae) in The Acolyte (2024), Disney
Mae (Amandla Stenberg) prepares to defend herself from Sol (Lee Jung-jae) in The Acolyte (2024), Disney

Turning back to The Acolyte‘s third episode, Gore then warned, “That third episode, it changes the world. It’ll change things forever, and I don’t think anyone’s going to like it.”

“You know we’ll get a lot of lesbians in space,” he concluded. “that’ll be great, lesbian witches that conceive children, so get ready for episode three. The first two tonight are going to be like, whatever, it’s a police procedural with a murder, and all of it, none of it, makes sense.”

Mae (Amandla Stenberg) finds herself in the headlights of a passing airship in The Acolyte (2024), Disney
Mae (Amandla Stenberg) finds herself in the headlights of a passing airship in The Acolyte (2024), Disney

For those curious or sadistic enough to subject themselves to yet another Disney Star Wars production, The Acolyte‘s first two episodes are now streaming on Disney Plus.

Meanwhile, the series’ allegedly disastrous third episode is currently set to air on June 11th.

NEXT: ‘The Acolyte’ Lead Amandla Stenberg Reiterates Star Wars Series’ Intention To Subvert The Force, Says Story Will Explore “What It Means To Be On The Light Side Or The Dark Side”

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