Western Localizer Proudly Brags About Butchering Sentai Filmworks’ English Localization Of ‘2.5 Dimensional Seduction’

Despite the looming threat of being replaced with AI, emboldened Western localizers are not only continuing to deliberately botch Japanese media, but some – such as the localizer behind Sentai Filmsworks’ English localization of 2.5 Dimensional Seduction – are not afraid to openly boast about their “masterpieces” on social media.

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As previously covered, between turning protagonist Okumura from a ‘shy and socially unaware otaku’ into a ‘sleazy sexist jerk’, to having a group of girls being jealous of another girl’s rumored promiscuity instead of attacking her for it, to outright changing dialogue almost wantonly, Sentai Filmworks’ English subtitles for 2.5 Dimensional Seduction are, to say the least, an absolute disaster.
And the localizer behind this mess? None other than notorious ‘professional’ anime, manga, and video game localizer Katrina Leonoudakis, who revealed her involvement in localizing cosplay-ecchi anime prior to its airing.

Unsurprisingly, the premiere of Leonoudakis’ work on 2.5 Dimensional Seduction soon drew a wave of outrage from audiences, their frustrations peaking due to being yet again denied a faithful translation of a Japanese work.
However, rather than even taking a moment to acknowledge fans’ concerns, Leonoudakis has instead – like she did withMy Life as Inukai-san’s Dog – come out of the woodwork to brag about her latest masterpiece and weaponize it against fans.
Said ‘masterpiece’ can be seen in the series’ third episode, Lilli x Miri, during the scene when Okumura’s childhood friend, Mikrari Tachibana, agrees to cosplay as the fictional character Milliela and proceeeds to ask the otaku for his opinion on the character.

Originally, as seen in the manga’s seventh chapter So, Which One’s Lilliel?, in response to Tachibana’s inquiry, Okumura proceeds to essentially let his fandom get the best of him and gush about just how much he loves Milliela.
“Of course I do!” he exclaims, per a fan translation of the chapter provided by the Black Cat Scantlations group. “Milliela’s charm is completely based on her abusive actions towards enemies and then how she treats all of them [like slaves]. Even if she just looks like a cute, devil type character, she’s a real sadist who can even make Ashford-sama tremble when they meet! She has an amazing erotic cuteness capable of tempting basically anyone! But even when she offers those kinds of lewd rewards, the only one able to resist her allure and remain pure with that very same Ashford-sama! In spite of her allure being just as unique as Lilliel! She’s also got a reason. She’s one of the most popular idols! If you’re not careful, you’ll completely fall for her!”
Taken aback, an overwhelmed Mikari further presses, “I though you said you wouldn’t cheat on Lilliel…?”, to which Okumura clarifies in turn, “Of course! Lilliel’s my waifu! But Milliela is my imouto!”
Still unsatisfied with his answer, a frustrated Mikari pushes back, “THAT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!”

But in Leonoudakis’ localization, Okumura’s explanation is not only far shorter in length, but also far more crude in its content, in effect replacing the joke of “It’s genuinely funny because he’s so passionate about his interests” with one whose premise is essentially “It’s cringe-funny because he’s being unnecessarily overdramatic and creepy.”
“Hell yeah I do!” the protagonist responds in the anime. “I love her love rivalry with Liliel, and the cute sexy flirting she does with Ashford!”

RELATED: Sentai Filmworks Completely Botches English Localization Of ‘2.5 Dimensional Seduction’ Anime
“She knows he’ll never feel the same,” he continues, “but still carries a flame for him in her pure heart!”

Then, the localization takes a turn for the worse as Leondoukis as proceeds to replace the remaining portion of Okumura’s passionate speech with her signature, ‘internet meme and slang’ influenced fan fiction.
“She’s got a cute figure and a great ass, and real otaku love a flat-chested lady!” the anime version of the otaku argues. “Tig bitties would ruin her whole vibe anyway.”

Clearly shaken by Okumura’s passions, Mikari then snaps back, “You said you’d never cheat on Liliel!”, to which Okumura clarifies “Yeah, Liliel’s my waifu. Mirella’s my imouto!”
“I don’t want to be your goddamn sister!” Mikari exclaims in turn.
Literally translating to ‘little sister’, the term ‘imouto’ refers to those younger female characters who have romantic crushes, often unrequited, on an older male with whom they have a close relationship, such as a close friend, a step-brother or, in some more extreme cases, even a blood-related brother.
As such, Leonoudakis’ specific defining of the word to mean ‘sister’ rather than ‘character who has an unrequited crush on someone’ completely overwrites the manga’s original gag wherein due to her own feelings for her friend, Mikari reads way more into Okumura’s explanation than he ever intended.

Following the release of the episode, took to Twitter to brag about her overwriting of the series’ original script, asking her followers, “Translation theory hard at work in my subtitles for #にごリリ this week! Why might I have translated 妹 as ‘imouto’ instead of ‘little sister’?”

Asked by a follower, “Because ‘imouto’ is a word used by weebs to talk about the fantasy of having a little sister?”, the localizer exclaimed, “Correct!”

Leonoudakis’ butchering was then praised by professional anime and video game localizer Sarah Moon, who affirmed, “I’ve translated sister as imouto and bride as waifu for the exact same reason.”
“Love this!!” Leonoudakis declared in turn.

Doubling down on her work, when later pressed, “Why ‘tig bitties?’ Does he goof up the description on purpose in Japanese in a similar way, too? Imouto makes sense, he’s being an otaku weirdo,” Leonoudakis proudly beamed, “Yes! It’s the end of a long rant about how much he loves this flat-chested character (‘real otaku love characters with flat chests!’).”

Katrina Leondoukis, Sentai Filmworks, HIDIVE, nor JC Staff have responded at the time of this writing.
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