Star Wars Stans Blame Cancellation Of ‘The Acolyte’ On Everything But Ratings: “I’m Really Tired Of Sharing The Franchise I Love With Toxic, Misogynistic, Immature Racists”

Instead of directing their anger towards the actual reasons behind the series’ failure – namely Kathleen Kennedy, Leslye Headland, or literally anyone else involved in its production – devastated current-era Star Wars stans are blaming Disney’s decision to cancel The Acolyte on such concepts as ‘racism’ as ‘misogyny’.

RELATED: No Season Two For ‘The Acolyte’ As Disney Reportedly Cancels Failed Star Wars Series
On August 19th, a month following the series season finale, Deadline‘s Nellie Andreeva reportedly learned from her insider sources that, after just one season, the House of Mouse’s had made the call to axe the The Acolyte.
Despite absolutely abysmal viewership numbers representing a terrible return on Disney’s $180 million production budget investment, grieving stans have taken to claiming that the decision to cancel the widely-panned series was actually the result of the company choosing to cater to a supposed legion of Star Wars fans who could not ‘handle’ a story not centered on white males.

“It wasn’t about the numbers, they just showed how incredibly racist and sexist they actually are and unless they do something immediately to rectify this mess, they’re never getting any new SW fans ever again,”@forsomesnooping proclaimed.

@DarthMaullie claimed “‘It wasn’t racism, it was the ~ratings~’ is a weak argument because the loudest haters were the racist misogynists encouraging people to trash this show but whatever.”

“Interestingly, the show with probably the most POC representation is the first to get axed,” @rose1_marie1 noted. “May the space witches put a hex on Bob Iger and the toxic racist that review bomb the show.”

“Cancelling The Acolyte because of the racist and sexist dudebros of the Star Wars fandom couldn’t shut their fucking mouths is just pathetic,” @MarzIvyGrows exclaimed. “Screw you Disney I’m so fr”

@wishnnlist tweeted “The Acolyte getting cancelled is actually so evil, everything about it was so cool and so star wars, telling a story from an era there isn’t really any visual media about, and because a bunch of racists bigots couldn’t bear to watch someone not white for a couple hours it’s over.”

@guerraDgalaxia expressed “I’m really tired of sharing the franchise I love with toxic, misogynistic, immature racists, and constantly seeing them be catered to, even though the rest of us have been here, all along, wanting new and fresh stories that connect deeply with all of us.”

@KleptocratWorld went as far as to bizarrely blame Star Wars creator George Lucas for the entire affair, claiming if he “had given women other than Princess Leia more than 63 seconds of speaking time in the original trilogy, Lucasfilms wouldn’t be held hostage by the worst racist incel parts of the fandom. The Acolyte deserved better.”

Though they acknowledged “Star Wars has been directionless and derivative for a while,” @amidalans declared that “cancelling The Acolyte just reaffirms that the franchise will keep catering to the racist + sexist dudebros at the expense of creativity”

To this end, some angry fans went so far as to predict that The Acolyte‘s cancellation will in turn lead to nothing but more unoriginal (and possibly AI generated) Star Wars productions.
“Ok now we can go back to more baby yodas, random white dude in mask and more AI Deepfake Luke Skywalker. Big win to Star Wars!,” @imeggsywafflex sarcastically declared.

@planetdjarin warned “The way Star Wars is going to be nothing but deep fake AI characters and a cooing green puppet for the next 20 years bc a bunch of 40 year old YouTubers thought there was too many women in this show is absolutely crazy”.

Likewise, @ComicEsper lamented, “The direction Star Wars is going nowm in the next 20 years all Star Wars will be on the big screen is a CGI/AI necromancy clusterf–k all because some misogynistic, racist, 40 year old incels couldn’t let it grow past the clone wars or the blight that is the skywalker name.”

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