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Justice League concept artist Jerad Marantz revealed different looks for Justice League's parademons and Batman's tactical suit. Take a look!

Batman series writer Tom King answered some questions on Twitter recently. In doing so, King mentioned he'll be introducing a new…

Beware of spoilers to Justice League, Ye who enter here Justice League left critics and fans wanting more. However, while many

Two new images of Joe Manganiello's Deathstroke popped up online sparking debate about the future of the character in the…

Dustin Nguyen, famed DC Comics and Descender artist, teased a potential Batman and Robin Year One story with Jeff Lemire on Instagram.

Suicide Squad writer and director David Ayer shot down a popular Joker theory that materialized after a unique toy design…

Scott Snyder was recently asked by a fan about the details of his next Batman project with Sean Gordon Murphy…

here are a number of reasons why DC Films' latest isn't treading water. Justice League's results could ripple throughout the industry…

“The End is Here.” Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ graphic novel, Watchmen, may be the greatest comic book ever created. Initially, Moore