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John Byrne has such an unerring knack for the absurdity of classic Star Trek that even when his storytelling is…

Tap Dance Killer by Ted Sikora and Nikolaus Harrison is shaping up to be a fantastic series by a great…

Jawbreakers - Lost Souls by Ricahrd C. Meyer, Jon Malin, and Brett R. Smith is a visually stunning package. It's…
Kieron Gillen has created many good things for comic book readers.
Captain Marvel #2 is mostly filler and setup for what will hopefully pay off a lot better in the next…

Captain Marvel #1 has a lot going for it, despite some serious shortcomings. Comparatively speaking, this issue is phenomenal.

Exorsisters #1 has many things going for it. The art by web cartoonist Gisele Lagace is serviceable. She does a…