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One of the best comics currently published, Chew, is very near to an end. But not before one last celebration

Revival, one of Image’s top comics, recently started a new arc of their series about a small Wisconsin town that

Today, we got to talk with Justin Jordan and Jen Hickman about their latest issue of Spread, rape culture, and

[easyazon_link identifier=”163215546X” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Starve Vol.1[/easyazon_link] hits the shelves January 13 and the sixth issue will be available just about a

No Mercy, published by Image, is a very interesting and thrilling comic book by Alex De Campi, Carla Speed McNeil,

If you’ve read the Grindhouse series, you know Alex de Campi can write some frightful, tense, and cruel stories with

Garth Ennis and Mark Dos Santos are back on another issue of A Train Called Love from Dynamite. And with…

The Turtles begin their “Vengeance” story arc in this TPB that collects TMNT issues 45 to 47 as well as…