About Mike Fugere Jr.

Mike Fugere Jr. is a writer from Virginia Beach. You can read more of his rambling about comic books at mikefugerejr.wordpress.com/
and follow him on Twitter at @MikeFugere

All Articles

September 18, 2016
The news of Alan Moore’s proposed retirement from comics recently breaking got us over here at BiC discussing our five
September 14, 2016
Let’s get this out of the way: I am a huge fan of From Software’s Souls series of video games.
July 29, 2016
Trying to explain Evil Ernie to someone who did not grow up reading their uncle’s copies of the original ‘90s
July 23, 2016
Disclaimer: If you have never read Jason Aaron & Jason Latour’s Southern Bastards, there is something missing inside your soul.
July 23, 2016
After reviewing Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’s stellar Tales from the Darkside #1, I was excited to see what they
July 16, 2016
In recent years, many classic superheroes have had their monikers adopted by people of races, cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, and
July 13, 2016
Garth Ennis is no stranger to poor taste. He often elicits groans and eye rolls from his audience with brash
July 10, 2016
**Disclaimer: I do not read Saga month-to-month. I only consume this comic in TP form. With that being said, a
July 7, 2016
Black Mask Studios is quickly becoming one of my favorite indie publishers. Their punk rock ethics to comic books has
July 6, 2016
Picture yourself sitting in your car during your lunch break. You’re shoveling heaps of melty goodness from the burrito bowl