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Uncle Scrooge is still going strong these days thanks to Disney’s reboot of the beloved DuckTales TV show, as well

Unnatural #2 still has overt politics and might be a little too sexualized, but the mystery is deepening, and the…

Mighty Mite #1 comes out of the gate swinging and whether or not you've ever heard of this obscure little guy,…

Halo: Collateral Damage did an admirable job of bringing the expansive Covenant War to a smaller location and using the claustrophobic…

Timmy Lala's Ice Scream is, at best, a missed opportunity. There is no narrative here, no context, subtext, or any…

For as long as man has exercised his dominion over the created world, we have been looking to the heavens

Despite this being the first issue in the series, Beasts of Burden has actually been around for quite some time.

The world of Alt-Hero continues to grow and expand in issue #4 from writer Vox Day and Arkhaven Comics. In

[easyazon_link identifier=”B07GZYXQWQ” locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Gun Ghoul: Raising the Dead[/easyazon_link] collects Gun Ghoul issues #1-4. I really enjoyed issue #1 when I reviewed