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It’s difficult to condense Captain America’s exploits down to a bite size “best of” list. After all, the man’s been

Avalon #1 is a great first issue that introduces us to a fascinating group of super-powered individuals who are struggling…

Nancy Drew #2 squelched the hopes of a better issue than the first like a foot planted onto a plump…

She Could Fly #1 by Christopher Cantwell and Martin Morazzo is a bravely unique title that held my attention with…

If nothing else, Sword Daughter has certainly grown on me since the first issue, which is saying something considering we’re

The first issue of Tap Dance Killer introduced us to Nikki St Clair and her gang of anti-heroes. The issue

Halo: Collatoral Damage #2 came roaring back and offered a fun and frantic look into the ongoing Covenant battle from…

The Quantum Age #1 is, sadly, just largely forgettable. The characters are great and I love their design, but the…

Dark Horse Comics' Tomb Raider: Inferno #2 is boring and features a bore of a windbag villain who narrates the…