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February 11, 2019
Female Furies #1 is a case of DC bringing in a writer with a clever idea and letting her run…
February 7, 2019
Lowlifes by Brian Buccellato and Alexis Sentenac is the story of several people in Los Angeles connected to a singular…
January 28, 2019
Captain Marvel #1 has a lot going for it, despite some serious shortcomings. Comparatively speaking, this issue is phenomenal.
January 18, 2019
We wrap up Uncanny X-Men: Disassembled with issues 6-10! What will become of X-Men once Nate has executed his vision…
Criminal #1
January 8, 2019
Crime. Sleaze. Corruption. Noir. As only Brubaker and Phillips can Deliver It’s been a while since we’ve been invited to
December 11, 2018
Exorsisters #1 has many things going for it. The art by web cartoonist Gisele Lagace is serviceable. She does a…
December 10, 2018
The Silencer is one of the few comics in today’s marketplace that consistently entertains. It’s written by the incomparable Dan…
Martian Manhunter #1
December 6, 2018
Martian Manhunter #1 by Steve Orlando and Riley Rossmo looks to follow Mister Miracle's success with a detective focused story…
Redneck #17
December 4, 2018
If you are a vampire fan, or just looking for something unique you might want to check out Donny Cates'…
Heroes in Union #3
December 3, 2018
Three issues into to DC Comics and Tom King's Heroes in Crisis and I find myself asking if I'm still…