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September 15, 2023
Bill Wilingham put out a press release making Fables public domain in the latest move in a long battle with…
September 15, 2023
Dan DiDio details in chat with Mark Millar how hard it was as an executive editor to right DC's course…
Doctor Manhattan (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) is captured by The Kavalary in Watchmen Season 1 Episode 9 "See How They Fly" (2019), HBO
September 14, 2023
'Watchmen' scribe Alan Moore has revealed that he has asked to have all his Hollywood royalties to be donated to…
September 13, 2023
Brick-and-mortar comic book shop Pulp 716 has reported that their customers' interest in Marvel's current X-Men books is fading fast.
September 5, 2023
Novelist Declan Finn recently shared his thoughts on why the superhero film genre is dying and how it mirrors the…
August 31, 2023
Ms. Marvel actress Iman Vellani recently detailed her plans for the Marvel Comics version of the Inhuman-turned-Mutant.
August 31, 2023
Marvel Comics writer David Pepose, who takes on a new Punisher series, recently revealed one of his goals for the…
Batman Superman Metal Echoes
August 31, 2023
Batman '89 and Superman '78 return with the Burtonverse Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, and a Donner-fied Metallo in tow.
August 28, 2023
Chuck Dixon firmly believes Superman should never kill and he explains why beyond the fact the act is beneath him.