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May 16, 2019
Amazon canceled The Tick after two seasons according to series creator Ben Edlund. Following the cancellation, the #SaveTheTick campaign was launched…
May 16, 2019
CBS revealed a first look at Star Trek: Picard starring Patrick Stewart during the CBS All Access Upfronts presentation. Check…
May 16, 2019
Game of Thrones Episode 5 is here. Viewers are shocked at showrunners Benioff and Weiss for the rushed Mad Queen…
May 16, 2019
The CW released their first Batwoman trailer starring Ruby Rose as Kate and Rachel Skarsten as Alice.Take a look.
May 15, 2019
A petition has been created for HBO to remake Game of Thrones Season 8 with "competent writers."
May 15, 2019
Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin debunked rumors that he had completed the next two books in his A…
May 11, 2019
Kit Harrington, who plays Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, admitted that the Season 8 finale is "disappointing."
May 10, 2019
X-Men: Dark Phoenix actress Jessica Chastain took aim at HBO’s Game of Thrones stating for using rape as a form
May 9, 2019
HBO’s Game of Thrones has been threatened with “cancel culture” after the show killed off Missandei in the most recent
May 8, 2019
Actress Regina King revealed a first look at her character for the upcoming HBO show Watchmen. Take a look.