‘Action Comics’ Writer Mark Waid Considers Retirement Due To Re-Election Of Donald Trump: “I Don’t Believe In The Basic Goodness Of My Fellow Americans Anymore, And Without This, I Cannot Write Superheroes”

As with every American presidential race, in the aftermath of the recent 2024 elections, voters ranging from average citizens, to celebrities, to other world leaders have rushed to social media to share their opinions regarding Donald Trump’s re-election to the Oval Office.
Among those who have taken to publicly expressing their feelings towards this outcome is, unsurprisingly, none other than veteran comic book scribe Mark Waid, who has apparently found himself creatively and spiritually broken by Trump’s electoral victory.

RELATED: DC’s ‘Absolute Power’ Writer Mark Waid Laments “Sh–ty Eyesight” Of Donald Trump’s Would-Be Assassin
As readers are sure to already know by now, with most of the country’s electors having already submitted their respective votes, numerous mainstream news outlets, including the Associated Press, have called the 2024 US Presidential Election in favor of the returning Trump (Nevada and Arizona have yet to officially submit their electoral votes, but even if both states went completely blue, these results would notably have no effect on the overall outcome of the race).
Further, rather than a close race, which many Harris voters had hoped for as a ‘worst case scenario’, Trump instead won by a wide margin, taking home a current count of 295 electoral votes to his opponent’s 226 and winning the popular vote by a margin of roughly 5 million ballots.
And it was in response to these results that the aforementioned Waid admitted personal defeat.

On November 5th, as election results began to show Trump taking a significant lead over Harris, the writer for DC’s Action Comics and Batman/Superman: World’s Finest series, as well as their recent Absolute Power crossover, took to his personal Blue Sky account to share his despair regarding the prospect of a GOP victory.
“Even if by some miracle this turns around, I don’t believe in the basic goodness of my fellow Americans anymore, and without this, I cannot write superheroes,” lamented Waid. “There’s no point. When you see a decline in the quality of my work soon, you’ll be able to trace it back to this night.”

Further expounding on his thoughts in reply to former Action Comics Vol. 1 and Justice League Vol. 3 penciller Pete Woods who questioned “How is this happening?”, the noted comic book creator likewise asserted, “I genuinely don’t know how to go on.”
“I don’t believe in anything I write anymore, and I probably never will,” he said. “May be time to sell everything I own and retire here in CA where I’ll stand the best chance of being safe.”

A rather unsurprising sentiment from the same individual who previously found himself disappointed that Trump’s would-be assassin at the Butler Farm Show Grounds had missed his shot, ultimately, whether or not Waid actually bows out from the comic book scene due to Trump’s re-election remains to be seen.
If he does, it will likely be sometime after he closes out his current contract with DC, which currently has him working on, as noted above, both Action Comics Vol. 1 and Batman/Superman World’s Finest Vol. 1.

Until then, it remains to be seen if Waid is merely being hysterical or has truly found himself at his wit’s end.
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