Boom Studios! Announces Firefly: Bad Company – Get a Look at the Preview Pages!

Joss Whedon’s Firefly universe will expand in Firefly: Bad Company #1 from writer Josh Lee Gordon and artists Francesco Mortarino, Giuseppe Cafaro, and Moy R.

Firefly: Bad Company #1 will be an oversized special issue and reveal the secret origin of the infamous Mrs. Reynolds a.k.a. Saffron.

Firefly: Bad Company #1

Here’s the official synopsis from BOOM! Studios:

“Long before she was Yolanda or Saffron or Bridget, she was a pickpocket on the streets of an Alliance planet, close enough to touch the rich and admire their wealth yet too far to ever dream of being a part of their glamorous world. Go all the way back to the early days of Saffron’s story and learn how she became the extraordinary grifter and master thief who’s wreaked countless havoc throughout the ‘Verse and caused especial trouble for Serenity and her crew, including the current bounty on Mal’s head in the pages of Firefly…unless she’s lying about this, too.”

“Saffron is an enigma wrapped in a mystery surrounded by a puzzle, but at the heart of all the fake names and complicated lies is a woman who learned early on how to fend for herself and who knew that if she wanted anything in life, she had to go out and grab it,” said Jeanine Schaefer, Executive Editor, BOOM! Studios. “BAD COMPANY takes us on an eye-opening journey through Saffron’s early adventures as we discover the daring escapades that helped the infamous YoSaffBridge craft each new layer of mystery and intrigue around herself to become the baddest woman in the entire system.”

Firefly: Bad Company #1 will feature a main cover by Diego Galindo and a variant cover by Jamal Campbell.

Firefly: Bad Company #1

BOOM! Studios also provided us a preview of the interiors. Take a look:

Firefly: Bad Company #1 Firefly: Bad Company #1 Firefly: Bad Company #1 Firefly: Bad Company #1 Firefly: Bad Company #1

Do you plan on picking up Firefly: Bad Company #1?

John was the Editor-in-Chief at Bounding Into Comics. He is a massive Washington Capitals fan, lover of history, and ... More about John F. Trent
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