Extended Sneak Peak: Bloodshot Reborn Annual 2016 #1

We’ve got an extended sneak peak of the Bloodshot Reborn Annual 2016 #1 This one comes fully equipped with lettering on the previously revealed Kano artwork as well as interiors from Joe Bennett, Ray Fawkes, and Benjamin Marra.
The Bloodshot Reborn Annual 2016 #1 will include a number of different stories. The first will be penned by Jeff Lemire with artwork by Kano detailing Bloodshot taking on the terror at Camp Silver Lake. Other stories in the annual include a Bloodsquirt solo adventure by Lemire, Joe Bennett,and Jay Fabares. Ray Fawkes will tell a story about Camp Silver Lake’s horrific past. A new vision of “The Analog Man’s” Mad Max-esque wasteland will come to life from Paul Maybury. Finally, Michel Fiffe and Benjamin Marra will provide a mind-bending salvo of blood, guts, and metal.

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