Dark Horse Collects The First Chapter In Jeff Lemire’s Black Hammer

Dark Horse Comics will collect Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston. and Dave Stewart’s first chapter of Black Hammer in Black Hammer: Secret Origins.

[easyazon_link identifier=”1616557869″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Black Hammer: Secret Origins[/easyazon_link] tells the tale of heroes whose time has long since passed. They were banished from existence by a multiversal crisis. Now, the once heroes of Spiral City, Abraham Slam, Golden Gail, Colonel Weird, Madame Dragonfly, and Barbalien live simple lives in an idyllic, timeless farming village from which there is no escape. But even though they are now subjugated to a simple life, they still try to employ all of their super abilities to free themselves from their strange purgatory.

And while they work from the inside, a mysterious stranger puts their own plan into motion to bring them back into action for one last adventure.

Black Hammer: Secret Origins features Golden Age heroes in a modern-age drama. It will collect issues #1-#6. It will be available on shelves March 29th. [easyazon_link identifier=”1616557869″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Pre-order a copy today[/easyazon_link]!

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